Chapter 19 The Bestie comes to the country and a Hollywood party

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It was the day before Robert's party and I was patiently waiting for Maci to get there.

"When did she say she would get here." Chris said

"She just texted she's 45 minutes out." I said changing the sheets on our bed.

I felt Chris put his arms around my waist and kiss my neck.

"Hey mister don't start something you can't finish." I said

"Oh believe me if i start it I'll most certainly finish it." Chris said.

He turned me around and passionately kissed me, running his hands down my body squeezing my ass. He picked me up and placed me on the bed.

Just as we were about to get our engines revved up I heard a knock on the front door.

"Fuck." Chris said.

"Guess she's here early."

"Rain check." Chris said, kissing me.

"I promise rain check." I said kissing him and running downstairs to see Maci standing at the door.

I opened the door and maci jumped into my arms.

"Ok who did your man kill to get this place it's freaking incredible." Maci said

"Tell me about when we got here the first night I thought I jumped into a Disney movie. Come on let me show you around."

I showed maci around the house and she was just as amazed as me.

"Wow this place is freaking killer. So tell me who's gonna be at this party." Maci said.

"Not sure it's a Hollywood party so who knows could be anyone." I said handing maci a beer.

Maci and I caught up.

"Well hello ladies. Maci how ya been." Chris said giving maci and kiss on the cheek.

"I'm great. And thanks for the invite." Maci said.

"Your welcome. Ok so I've gotta run to the set for a couple hours, you ladies in the mood for anything." Chris said.

"Hmm pizza sounds good." Maci said.

"Yeah Pizza." I said.

"Alright I'll pick up pizza on the way back." Chris said.

He leaned over and gave me a kiss.

"Love you." He said.

"Love you." I said.

Later that day Maci and I were sitting on the couch watching TV.

"Hey do you remember Parker." Maci said.

"Parker the guy with the uni brow."

"Yeah him." Maci asked.

"Yeah, I remember him why."

"Well he showed up at the bar the other night. And guess what." Maci said.


"The uni-brow gone and he dropped about 35 pound and oh god is he fucking gorgeous." Maci said.

"Maci, please tell me you didn't have a one night stand with him."

"NO i didn't have a one night stand. I had about a 10 night stand." Maci said ginning.

"Oh my god. Are you telling me you slept with a guy more than once? Maci is Parker, your boyfriend now."

"Oh hell no i hate labels and he's not looking for a girlfriend." Maci said

"So he's a friend with benefits."

"Yeah I guess." Maci said.

"Maci having a friend with benefits is a label."

"Hmm well than ok I guess so. Ok so tell me how many spots in this house have you had sex." Maci said with an evil grin.

"Oh god maci do you ever stop." I said laughing

"Honey if i ever and i do mean ever stop asking you about your sex life i've either had my tongue cut out or I'm dead." Maci said.

It was good having maci here, it felt like we were right back in college. Laughing at the dumbest things.

"Hey, can I ask you something Lisa." Maci said.

"Yeah you know you can ask me anything."

"Have you told Chris about Jacob?" Maci asked.

"Wow, just diving right in there. Umm no i haven't told him."

"Honey, you have got to tell him about Jacob." Maci said.

"Why he is in the past? I'll never see him again and for all I know he's dead."

"Sweetie i don't know how to say this but when you were in Boston i got a call from an old bartender friend of mine and he said that he saw Jacob at a bar that he was working at that night." Maci said.

"So he went to a bar."

"The bar that he was at was the same bar that you Chris and his brother were at the night before you came back to New York." Maci said.

"Look maci it's a free country if he was at that bar and i do mean If he was cause there was no proof other than hearsay from an old bartender friend of yours then i have nothing to worry about. Maci i love you but something like this is my business not yours."

"Sweetie I'm sorry i just don't wanna see you get hurt again. I just think you should tell Chris I think he should know." Maci said.

"And worry him over nothing. I love him and I'm not gonna put him through that. So can we just drop it and just enjoy your time here."

"Of course I'm sorry. I love you." Maci said

"I love you too." I said hugging Maci.

As Maci and I hugged Chris came in with the pizza.

"Hello ladies, I've got pizza. Get it while it's hot." Chris said, coming in putting the pizza on the counter.

A couple hours later I was getting ready for bed and I couldn't get what maci told me out of my head. Was Jacob really at that bar, and if he was there why.

I came out of the bathroom and saw Chris had fallen asleep with a book on his chest and his glasses on. I smiled, I walked over to his side of the bed and sat down. I took the book off his chest and placed it on the table.

I gently took off his glasses and placed them on his book. I sat there and watched him sleep.

"How did I get so lucky to fall in love with you." I whispered, caressing his cheek.

"Hmm, hey what's wrong." Chris said, grabbing my hand.

"Nothing. You make me very happy Chris Evans." I said

"Well I'm glad i can make you happy. Now come on, it's late and I'm exhausted. Get in this bed so i can hold you." He said.

All I could do was laugh.

I took off my robe and got into bed. Chris pulled the blanket up and wrapped his arms around my waist. And pulled me close to him.

"I love you." Chris said

"I love you to Chris."

I tried to sleep but all I could think about was what Maci said.

Maybe I did need to tell Chris what happened to me, But i was scared to tell him about it, if I told him he might not want to even look at me the same way he does now. And i don't wanna lose him. I would fall apart if that happened.

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