Chapter 8 Meet The Family

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A few days later Chris and I headed over to his parents place for a cookout.

On the car ride over I was nervous my stomach was doing belly flops.

"Hey why are you so nervous you've met mom that's the biggest hurdle." Chris said holding my hand.

"Yeah I know but I still have to meet your brother, your sisters and your dad. That's very scary. I mean in all honesty what if the rest of your family thinks we are moving too fast."

"I can tell you they don't think that. My sister's are ecstatic that I've met someone that isn't in the film industry. And my brother well you are gonna love him. SO please don't be nervous, ok." He said, giving my hand a kiss.

I just smiled and nodded my head.

We arrived at his parents place and headed into the backyard.

When we walked in I felt all eyes on me.

"Hey kids."

"Hey mom."

Lisa could see the nerves.

"Chris honey why don't you go say hi to everyone and i'll get lisa a drink." Lisa said, taking me into the kitchen.

She took me into the kitchen, walked over to the counter and grabbed a bottle and two shot glasses.

"Here drink this it will calm your nerves." Lisa said.

"What is it?"

"Vodka. Don't think about just drink it." she said

I did what she said and slammed the burning hot liquid down.

"Oh man i haven't done that since college."

"Here chase it with this." Lisa said, handing me a beer.


"Listen I know your nervous but you don't need to be. We all like you so long as my sweet boy is happy and I can see you make him happy. That's all that matters to me and what i say pretty much goes in this family." She said giving me a hug.

A few minutes later Lisa and I headed outside to meet everyone.

Chris came running over to me.

"You OK." He said

"Yeah I'm good, your mom is an amazing woman."

"That she is." Chris said, pulling me into his chest.

As the day drew on I finally got to meet Carly, Chris's older sister and Shanna, his younger sister.

"So Chris tells us you guys met while you interviewed him." Carly asked

"Yes. It was my very first interview. And let me say sitting across from him made my nerves sky rocket, but as the interview went on the nerves went away I felt like I was talking to someone I've known all my life." I said

"OK so how did he ask you out." Shanna asked

"Actually he showed up at my apartment."

"So how did that come about." Carly asked

I told the girls the story and as I was telling them I glanced over at Chris and he was smiling at me. When he smiled at me my heart fluttered. I knew in my heart I was falling more and more in love with him.

"Alright ladies you've hogged her long enough it's my turn. Allow me to introduce myself the name is Scott, Scott Evans the more handsome and talented brother of the Evans clan and it's an honor to meet you my lady." Scott said kissing my hand.

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