Chapter 12 Back to life. Back to reality

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Unfortunately all good things must come to an end and it was time for Chris to go to LA and me to go back to NYC.

The week went by so fast. But the time I spent in Boston with Chris and his family was amazing and the time Chris and I spent in bed whether we were watching tv cuddling with dodger or making love, it was the best time of my life.

But the real world was pulling us back.

So here I am standing in the airport with Chris waiting for his flight to LA to board.

Trying not to bust into tears but it was tough.

"I hate this." I said wrapping my arms around his waist.

"Yeah me too. But I'll be back in New york in 3 weeks and i'll be filming in upstate new york for 6 months so we'll get to be with each other all the time." He said resting his forehead on mine.

Will all first class passengers please begin boarding Flight 467 non stop to LAX.

"Well i guess this is it. 3 weeks. 3 Weeks and you come back to me Evans." I said.

"Wild dogs couldn't keep me away from you Anderson." He said.

He pulled me in for the longest most passionate kiss he's ever given me.

"I love you." I said.

"I love you too. Before I forget I got you something." He said, pulling a little black box out of his pocket.

I opened it and it was a gold heart necklace.

"Baby it's beautiful." I said

"It's a locket. I put a picture of you me and dodger. So if your missing me you can touch it and I'll be right there with you." He said, placing his hand on my heart.

Final boarding call for all first class passengers.

"You better go."

He cupped my face and kissed me.

"I love you, I love you, I love you." He said repeatedly

"I love you too." I said "Call me when you get to LA." I said

"I will." He said kissing me one last time.

He finally let go of me and walked to his flight.  I blew him a kiss and watched him disappear onto the plane.

I decided to drive back to NYC, figured it would take my mind off missing Chris but it didn't, I finally made it to my apartment after 8pm. 

I walked in, dropped my bags at the door and flopped down on the couch. A few minutes later maci came home.

"Hey your back." Maci said coming over to the couch to hug me.

"Yeah i'm back." I said in a sad tone.

I tried hard to hold the tears back but I couldn't.

"Oh honey don't cry you'll see Chris in 3 weeks right." Maci said holding me.

I shook my head yes.

"Are you hungry." Maci asked.


"Pizza." She said


"Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia ice cream." Maci said.

"Yeah." I said with a small smile.

"Ok i'll make the call you go take a hot shower and just relax. Ok." Maci said

I shook my head, grabbed my bags and headed to my room to get a shower. I stripped out of my clothes, and took off the locket Chris gave me and kissed it before placing it on the dresser.

I got in the shower and let the warm water cascade over my tired body. After I got out of the shower I opened my suitcase to see Chris's favorite red sox shirt and baseball cap with a note.

Though you might like this to sleep in that way it feels like I'm sleeping right there with you. And your lucky I love you. That is my fav sox hat so don't lose it. Or I'll have to punish you.

But when I lifted up the shirt and hat I saw something else.

Oh and dodger wanted you to have something too.

It was one of his stuffed lions.

He wanted me to tell you to cuddle this whenever you miss your boys. And don't worry he's been washed no doggie drool. I love you baby and i'll see you soon.
                                                               Yours Always and Forever,
                                                                       Chris and dodger

I smiled.
I couldn't believe I found Chris.
3 weeks was gonna be the longest 3 weeks of my life.

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