Chapter 40

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A few days later I was starting to draw more things, and honestly it was very relaxing. I hadn't had any nightmares about the press. My focus was on the wedding.

One afternoon I was sitting out on the deck watching Chris toss a ball around to dodger. And of course I was putting pencil to paper and sketching what I was watching.

"Damn girl you are so freaking good at this. Why didn't you ever go to school for this." Maci said

"I took art in high school but by the time i got to college I lost the passion for it when my mom passed away so I just took what I could. Turns out I sucked at being a reporter."

"Stop it. Big question: have you had a nightmare since you started drawing again." Maci said.

"No, not even a spec of one all I can think about now is the wedding."

"Yeah, 2 more weeks and you'll be an old married lady. Soon after that, mommy." maci said

"Not too soon after the wedding I would like to enjoy so much needed alone time with my husband."

"So has he given you any hint on where your going for a honeymoon." Maci asked.

"Nope, I have no clue where we are going or what we are doing."

"Hmm, maybe you should try to persuade him." maci said

"Ok I'm not doing that. Chris want's it to be a surprise and I'm ok with that."

"What do I want to be a surprise?" Chris said, coming to steps from the beach.

"Our honeymoon."

"Oh yes, that is something I'm keeping under wraps." Chris said, leaning down and kissing me.

Chris deepened the kiss a little and then we heard maci.

"Ok you two get a room." Maci said smiling.

Chris and I pulled apart and I giggled a little.

"So what are the plans for the weekend ladies?" Chris said

"I don't think we have anything planned. What did you have in mind." I said

"Well Robert invited you me and maci over to his place for dinner Friday night." Chris said

"Wow, that was nice of him, I'm game, what about you maci."

"Sounds like fun. What's the dress code." Maci said

"Casual, nothing fancy." Chris said

"Awesome, we should go shopping." Maci said

"Yeah we should. Beverly Hills sounds good."

"Hold on, you wanna go shopping, you wanna go out in public." Maci said

"Yeah, I can't let what happened in my dreams control my life. If the paps are there I'll deal with it. Besides, I wanna go pick up art supplies."

Chris and Maci both looked at each other.

"What's with the look?"

"Well just a couple days ago you were petrified to go anywhere." Maci said

"I haven't had a nightmare since I started drawing again, maybe that's what I needed. SO you don't wanna go shopping in Beverly hills."

"Are you kidding, of course I do." Maci said

"Here take this." Chris said, handing me his credit card.

"No honey I can manage."

"I know you can but I want you to get whatever art supplies you need ok." Chris said.

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