Chapter 86

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When we got back to the hotel I headed into the bedroom, hearing myself relieve everything again was just painful but I knew I would have to do that and I would have to do it again tomorrow.

I changed out of my dress from court and into some comfy sweats, I went out into the living room and saw only Chris sitting on the couch.

"Hey beautiful." He said

I sat down next to him, he put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Rough day huh." He said

I chuckled.

"Ya think. And it's only gonna get rougher."

"Yeah, but you can do this." He said

I just smiled. I wanted to believe him but damn it was hard.

"Where are mom and Scott."

"They headed out to get some dinner for the 4 of us." he said

"Hmm it's nice having them here."

"Yeah it is." He said

We sat in silence and I needed a distraction, so I began to kiss Chris right on the neck just under his earlobe.

"Hmm whatcha doing their Mrs Evans." He said

"Nothing, just kissing my husband's neck." I said continuing to kiss and nibble.

The noise Chris made almost sounded like a purr.

"Mom and Scott will be back soon." He said

I pulled away from what I was doing.

"Well how about we go and test out that great big Jacuzzi tub, after all I am a little dirty i could use a good scrub, what do ya say."

"Yeah I'm game, let's go." He said picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom.

Once in the bedroom he locked the door and disappeared into the bathroom. I stayed in the bedroom and stripped out of my clothes and into my robe.

Chris was in the bathroom getting the bath ready, I waited a few minutes and walked in to see him already in the bathtub.

"Starting without me."

"Nope, I just thought I would test out the water just to make sure it isn't too hot for you." he said

"Oh really and how is it?"

"Just right." He said, holding out his hand.

I took off my robe, took his hand and stepped into the tub and sat down in front of him and leaned back onto his chest.

I could feel the tension and stress of the day just melt away. I sighed deeply. I could feel Chris's body relax as well.

"This is what I needed, just the two of us."

I heard Chris sigh as well.

It felt like we had been sitting in the tub forever. That's how relaxed we both were.

"You did good today baby." he said


"Yeah you stayed composed, strong, I know it's not easy to relieve that stuff all over again but you kept it together. I'm proud of you." he said

"Honestly I'm proud of myself, but I know it's gonna get worse. But all I have to do is look at you and feel calmer."

"I love you." He said

I turned around and smiled.

"I love you too."

The next morning we were back in the courtroom. And I was sitting in front of everyone in the courtroom again, John had to finish his question of me.

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