Chapter 116

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(Hey guys, taking some time away for the story has really help and i think it's gonna be ending soon. And once this story ends i have a new one ready to go i just have to find a name for it and make a cover for it but i'm not good at those but enough about that so here is ch116 with some sexy time in it, Enjoy)

The next morning I woke up, I rolled over and saw the other side of the bed empty.

I sat up and saw shoes by the door and clothed on the floor, then I looked up and saw Chris standing by the door holding two cups of coffee.

"Good morning gorgeous." he said, coming over to my side of the bed, setting the cup down on the table, then sitting down and giving me a kiss.

"Morning handsome."

"Merry Christmas." he said

"Merry Christmas."

We sat in bed for a bit just holding each other.

"Penny for your thoughts gorgeous." he said

"How on earth did you make it home, the weather was horrible."

"I just drove." he said

"All night through a blizzard but I thought the roads out of New York were closed."

"They were but I found a way, hey I was determined to get back here to you, i made a promise and there was no way I was breaking it." he said

I sat up, placed my hands on his face and pulled him into a kiss, which turned into a hot and heavy make out session. Before I could pull away he pulled me onto him so I could straddle his hips.

"Hmm someone sure is up this morning." I said grinding my hips against his hard member.

"Baby I'm always up for you." he said

"Well then let me see if I can help you with that." I said I reached down, grabbing him and began pumping him. "How's that feeling baby?"

"Feels good, feels really good." He said

"Just good, hmm let's see if i can do better." i said, i moved off his hips and moved down his body, i still had a hold of him, moving my hand up and down his hard cock.

I licked my lips when i saw the pre cum pooling on the tip, i licked it off and then took all of him in my mouth, I felt him place his hand on the back of my head, i bobbed my head up and down in a slow pace at first, but when i felt his grip on my hair tighten i took that as a cue to go faster.

"Oh fuck." he said growling.

I went faster and faster, i felt him tense up, but before he came i took him out of my mouth, he grabbed me and pulled me up and slammed me down on his cock.

"As much as I love your mouth on my cock I would much rather watch you bounce on it." he said, thrusting his hips up into me.

I rolled my head back and let the euphoric feeling wash over me, his hand gripping my ass. I knew we had to be quick cause any second someone could come knock on the door.

"Oh god. Yes baby. Faster." I said gripping his shoulders the best I could.

I leaned forward and whispered into his ear. "Fuck me baby, fuck me." i said

He took his cue and grabbed my ass and bounced me on his cock.

"Oh god, Chris, right their, oh god I'm cumming, oh fuck."

"Cum with me baby, oh fuck, yes." he said thrusting faster into me.

We both couldn't hold on any longer, we climaxed at the same time, and just in time too, a few minutes after we finished still tangled up in each out there was a knock on the door.

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