Chapter 15 Making up for lost time.

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Warning (Smut and language)

It was only Monday and i wasn't due to pick up Chris till Friday morning I was sitting in the living room watching TV while maci was in the kitchen.

"T-Minus 4 days and counting." Maci said

"So your my countdown clock now."

"Why yes I am. Ok so i figured i would go stay at Pam's place so you and hunky cap can have some fun in the apartment. So what time are you picking him up at the airport." maci said, winking at me.

"His flight gets in Friday at 9am praying there's no bad weather on the west coast. Oh god i miss him so much.

"Of course you do, since it's been 3 weeks since you got some of that Captain D." Maci said

"Oh my gad maci you are too much."

"Well i try. Ok well I'm off to work. Don't wait up." Maci said, giving me a kiss on the cheek.

"Oh i don't plan on it. I'm just gonna chill out."

"Have fun." Maci said

After Maci left I planted myself on the couch and was about to turn on the TV when my phone rang and I saw Chris's name dance across my screen.

"Hey baby."

"Hey gorgeous." Chris said.

"Where are you? I can barely hear you."

"Well I'm on the freeway heading to a meeting. I miss you." He said.

"I miss you too. I can't wait to see you. 3 weeks is way too long to go without you."

"I know i would much rather be on the couch with you than in this car going to another meeting." Chris said.

I could hear the sad tone in his voice. I was just about to say something when there was a knock on my door.

"Hey baby, hold on, someone's at the door." I said getting up to answer it.

"Oh ok. I hope it's not some handsome guy to sweep you off your feet." He said.

"No worries there Evans you are the only man for me." I said opening the door.

"Well good cause I've got these flowers to give to the women I love."

"Oh my god baby what are you doing." Was all i could say Chris picked me up crashing his lips onto mine and shut the door with his foot.

He carried me over to the couch and sat down making me straddle his hips. I ran my hands down to the hem of his shirt and pulled it up and off.

He took his hands and placed them on the sides of my face and pulled me into a passion filled kiss.

"I've missed you, I've missed touching you, 3 weeks is way too long to go without touching you." He said, taking his hands and pulling my shirt off, he kissed and nibbled on my skin till he got to my breast and unhooked my bra.

He began massaging my breast. I grinded my hips against him making him growl.

"Hmm did someone miss me." he said kissing and sucking my neck.

I put my hands behind his head as he took my nipple into his mouth.

"You have no idea. All I did for 3 weeks was dream of how you would rip my clothes off and make me scream your name."

"Than why dream it when i can just fuck you right here. But first I wanna see how wet you've gotten just by me touching you." he said, turning me over and ripping off the pajama pants I was wearing.

"Hmm no panties guess someone was ready for my nightly call." he said with an evil smile on his face.

"Girls gotta be prepared." I said with a shaky voice.

Before I could think Chris disappeared between my legs, I could feel his thumb play with me.

"Someone is so wet, I better take care of this." He said.

I could feel his tongue licking my throbbing clit, I arched my back and pushed his head deeper in me, all the licking and sucking he was doing was driving me insane.

I wanted this feeling to last and if he kept doing what he was doing I was going to burst.

"Fuck." I moaned.

Chris stopped what he was doing and stood up, while he was pleasuring me he removed his clothes.

"Like what you see."

I licked my lips.

And placed my hand on his rock hard cock and began stroking. I could hear him growling, I sat up and took all of him in my mouth. Bobbing my head up and down slower at first than I felt his hand on the back of my head guiding me to go faster.

"Fuck your mouth feels so good on my cock." He said.

I released him with a pop, he looked down with lust in his eyes he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, he kicked the door closed and pushed me up against it never breaking the kiss.

"Fuck me Chris please."

No words needed to be said he slammed me down onto his throbbing dick.

I let out a moan of desire.

His thrust was hard and rough.

"Oh god your so deep baby." i said , trying to hold on.

He took me over to the bed and started pounding me. I could feel everything inside me come undone.

"Yes oh my god Chris oh god yes just like that baby."

He grabbed my leg and put it over his shoulder. Giving him more access to my core.

"I'm so close baby, yes keep doing that oh god."

"No cumming until I tell you to now I want you to get on your hands and knees." he said in a husky tone.

So I did what he said. I crawled to the middle of the bed and Chris came up behind and aligned himself to my already dripping wet core. It took no effort to slip into me.

He placed his hands on my hips and thrusted into me.

With every thrust my body felt waves of electricity course through my body. I could feel his hand move up to the back of my head and grab some hair and pull me so my back was leaning against his chest. His other hand was playing with my wet clit.

He whispered in my ear.

"So wet for me. You wanna cum don't you." he said.


"That's not how you ask. Now i know you wanna cum cause your body is so filled up you want to release it don't you." he said.

"Yes master."

"Yes master what." He said.

I closed my eyes from the pain but this was not a hurting pain this was a pleasurable pain that needed release.

"Yes master i wanna cum. Please let me cum."

"Cum for me baby. I wanna feel you cum all over my cock." he said

He stopped rubbing my clit and pumped his hips faster and faster till our cries of passion filled the room.

A few moments later, our breathing returned to a normal rhythm.

Laying in bed wrapped in Chris's arms was so amazing.

"I'm so glad your back." I said.

"I'm happy to be home."he said

"I love you Chris."

"I love you to baby. Now get some sleep cause I've got 3 weeks to make up for." He said.

I smiled and drifted off to sleep.

But i had this little voice inside my head telling me something was about to happen and it could hurt me more than i have ever been hurt before.

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