Chapter 6 Boston Bound

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Friday morning Chris and I were headed to Boston for 3 weeks.

"So do you think your family is gonna like me."

"Sure they'll like you. What makes you think they won't." Chris said holding my hand.

"Well let's see. We met while I was interviewing you then you asked me out to dinner and for the last week all we've been doing is making out all over my apartment and your hotel room."

"Oh don't forget the back of the cab on the way home from dinner the other night." Chris said, smirking.

"Yeah that's gonna go over really well with your mother. I'm going to make a fool out of myself." I said being more nervous than i was before.

"Hey, relax. I've already talked to mom and she is excited to meet you so is the rest of my family. So you won't embarrass yourself." Chris said kissing my hand.

But of course I've got that annoying little voice in my head screaming to jump out of the car and cut your losses now while you still have a shred of dignity left.

Chris could see I was nervous. He was about to say something when his phone rang.


"Hi sweetheart."

"Hey Mom what's up."

"I'm sorry but your dad and I need to cancel dinner tonight."

"Why what's wrong." Chris asked.

"Well your father is sick and so is your sister." he mom said.

"OK rain check i guess."

"I'm sorry honey I was so looking to finally meet Lisa." His mom said

Chris looked at me and mouthed say hello.

"Hello Mrs Evans."

"OH hello sweetheart how are you." His mom said with a very happy tone in her voice.

"I'm good, I'm sorry to hear Mr Evans isn't feeling well."

"Thank you sweetie. Say how about tomorrow you and me have a girls day. We can go shopping and gossip about my son." she said.

I just smiled and Chris's shoulder sunk.

"I like that idea."

"OK. So how about I pick you up at Chris's place say 1pm."

"That sounds great Mrs Evans."

"My pleasure. Honey, I have to go. And Lisa ill see you tomorrow." she said.

"Bye mom." He said hanging up.

"Kinda sad that your dad is sick. I was looking forward to meeting everyone."

"Really cause a few seconds ago you were sweating bullets."

"Well yeah i was but that doesn't mean I'm not excited to meet your family now i have more time to prepare."

"Yeah prepare for the other part of my family but tomorrow you and mom will be spending the whole day together. Think about that." Chris said with an evil grin on his face all I could do was slap him.

Later that day around 3 we finally made it to his house and wow it was gorgeous i thought to myself if it looks this good on the outside it must look incredible on the inside.

Chris grabbed the bags out of the car and we headed to the back of the house and entered through the kitchen and when i say wow i mean wow the kitchen was immaculate.

I followed Chris into the living room and it was so gorgeous I could tell whoever decorated it had amazing taste.

"So what do you think of my home." He said

"It's gorgeous. Who decorated it."

"Well I did, most of it the rest my sister's helped with. But the 3 rooms in the house that I had total control over were the kitchen, the living room and the um master bedroom." He said softly placing his hands on my shoulder and kissing my neck.

I could feel my heart beating in my ears making me wonder if Chris could hear it too.

I leaned against him with my head leaning on his chest and I could feel and hear his heart beating just as fast as mine.

I turned around and gazed into his blue eyes.

"Why don't you show me your bedroom." I said snaking my hands up his chest and running my fingers through his hair causing him to close his eyes and let out a small growl of excitement.

He smiled and kissed me, he picked me up bridal style without breaking the kiss and carried me to his bedroom.

When we got into his room he gently placed me on the bed, he removed his lips from mine and began kissing down my cheek to my neck.

I ran my fingers through his hair, his hands roamed up and down my body.

"Hmm Chris." I moaned a little.

Just his touch sent me over the edge.

"Your so beautiful. I want you so much." Chris said in between kisses.

"I want you to. As much as I don't want to, we need to stop." I said.

I could see the hurt in Chris's face.

"Yeah we should cause if we don't i won't be able to." Chris said

"I'm sorry." I said caressing his face.

"Hey no don't do that you have nothing to be sorry for. When the time is right believe me it will be special. And if it's not you can toss my ass into the harbor." He said kissing me softly.

I smiled, then I sighed and let out a yawn.

Chris laughed.

"Why don't you stay in bed, get some rest, I've gotta go get a dodger from my brother, and I'll pick up some dinner got any cravings." He asked

"Surprise me." I said

He smiled and kissed me.

"OK I'll be back. Get some rest. Enjoy the bed." He said

"I would if you were here with me." I smiled

"Don't tempt me." He said leaning down to kiss me again.

He broke the kiss and smiled.

"OK I'll be back." He said

After he left I got out of bed and got something comfy to change into.

I got back into bed and snuggled up, I grabbed the pillow and held it, it smelled like the cologne Chris wears. I took a deep breath and drifted off to sleep.

I couldn't believe I was here. It felt so good. But was this all too fast. I wish my head would stop worrying.

Later that day I was still in bed asleep and suddenly I felt something jump on the bed a lick my face.

"Oh well hello buddy, you must be dodger." I said letting him lick my face more.

"Shit dodger. Hey buddy come on off the bed." Chris said, trying to get dodger off the bed but he curled up next to me.

"I don't think he wants to leave." I said rubbing behind his ears.

All Chris could do was laugh.

"Well since your awake i got some Chinese food for dinner." He said.

"Great, just give me a minute to freshen up and I'll be out."

"Good." Chris said.

He bent down to give me a kiss but dodger decided to give me a kiss instead.

"I think someone is jealous." I said.

All Chris could do was laugh.

I watched him and dodger leave the room and all I could do was smile.

How did I get so lucky to find a guy that treats me like a queen. When all I've ever found were toads.

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