Chapter 95

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(Here we go again i know nothing about medical things so i making this up as i go so enjoy CH 95)

A couple days later Chris and I were sitting in the exam room waiting for Kelly to arrive. I could feel my hands begin to shake. Chris grabbed my hand and squeezed it.

"Hey it's gonna be ok, just breathe. I'm right here." He said

"I hate doctor's."

"Even if you've known the doctor for years."

"Hi Kelly."

"Hi honey. Hi Chris. How you guys doing." she said

"Ok. A Little nervous."

"Being nervous is good, ok so what i wanna do today is a full exam, so what do you say we get started. Chris your more than welcome to stay but if you feel uneasy feel free to step out, get some air and come back in." Kelly said

"I think I'm good." he said

"Alright let's get started." Kelly said

And when Kelly said she was doing a full exam she meant it, she did everything, about an hour later i was still laying on the table when Kelly and her assistant brought in another machine.

"Ok so now the last test I'm gonna do is a sonogram, so forgive me this is gonna be very cold." She said squeezing the gel onto my stomach.

"Holy crap that is cold"

"Sorry." she said, she took the wand and rubbed it on my belly, i looked at Chris i couldn't look at the screen, then i heard it.

It was the same thing I heard when Carly sent me the audio clip from her sonogram.

A heartbeat. A fast and welcoming heartbeat.

"Well Lisa, you are most definitely pregnant, I'd say about 9 weeks." Kelly said

I was mesmerized by what I was seeing, there it was on the screen a little baby. I looked over at Chris, tears streaming down his face. I just couldn't stop looking at the screen. I reached out and touched the screen and just smiled.

 I reached out and touched the screen and just smiled

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After the exam Kelly took us into her office.

"Lisa you ok." Kelly asked.

"I'm just, i can't even, how, how am i having a baby."

"Well I can explain that you see what I found was scarring on your Fallopian tubes." Kelly said

"So that's why she was told she couldn't get pregnant ever." Chris said

"Yes, your body healed from the injuries you sustained in the crash, but your still considered a high risk pregnancy. So I'm gonna need to see you every 2 weeks till you get further along." Kelly said

"So what happens next?" Chris asked.

"Right now nothing, just enjoy this. This is a miracle, enjoy it. Cause before you know it you'll be a mom." Kelly said smiling.

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