Chapter 85

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(I feel like i've had a big inspiration i don't know where it's coming from so here we go It's time for court be warned if this triggers anyone please refrain from reading Thanks. And now Chapter 85)

The next morning we walked into the courthouse, and headed to the courtroom.

When we walked in I saw Megan.

"Hello gorgeous." Megan said, hugging me.

"Hi." I said

When Megan looked at me she smiled but not a big smile like I know your not sleeping or eating right and we will talk about it later.

A few moments later the Judge came in.

"Ok Mr Thompson you may call your next witness." The judge said

"I call Dr Megan Phillips to the stand." John said

Megan walked up to the stand and took the oath.

"Dr Phillips can you please explain to the court what your profession is." John said

"I'm the foremost expert on memory loss from traumatic events." She said

"Now when you say memory loss from traumatic events what exactly do you mean?" John said

"Well for example when someone loses their memory from a blow or blunt force trauma to the head their memories tend to revert to a hidden place inside their brain. I've often told my clients that their brain is like a computer that just needs rebooting." She said

I smiled when she said that.

"Dr Phillips, what was your prognosis for Mrs Evans?" John asked

"She suffered from a grade 3 memory loss brought on by a traumatic event." She said.

"Grade 3 memory loss. Can you explain to the court what that is please?" John asked

"There are certain grades to memory loss, grade 1 is you forgot your keys and don't know where they are and grade 5 is no memory of your name, who you are or what your birthday is. Mrs Evans suffered from a grade 3 memory loss. Meaning she couldn't remember pieces of her memories but not full memories. My job is to pull those memories out." She said

"How do you, as you said, pull those memories out?" John said

"Well first I made Mrs Evans as relaxed as I could, I don't use hypnosis. I use a technique that relaxes the person's mind into almost a sleep state. Once I feel that she is relaxed I ask her to go to a place that makes her happy. It could be a moment in her life that gave her joy or a funny story she heard. Once she is in a happy place I ask her to tell me where she is, I then proceed to give her a date close to the point of her last memory." she said

"And what was date you gave Mrs Evans to remember." John said

"I gave her the date she returned from Europe." she said

"Thank you Dr Phillips, your witness." John said

"Dr Phillips. Do you really expect us to believe that you can give someone a date and they just remember what they were doing on that exact date. It sounds a little far-fetched to me." Jenkins said

"It's not far fetched Mr Jenkins in fact I have a report published in the New England journal of medicine. And my success rate is 95% for a memory retrieval, still think it's far-fetched Mr Jenkins." She said.

I couldn't help but snicker.

"ok. Dr Phillips please tell the jury what you ask Mrs Evans to tell you on the date you gave her." Jenkins said.

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