Chapter 115

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(Hey guys i wanna thank you all again for the votes and the comments, life is hitting me hard again and yes i'm writing but i haven't had much time. But I'm trying, meaning this story is gonna be ending soon. I have another story already writing to post but I can't figure out a name, i can send someone the first chapter and maybe someone can help me with the name But anyway here is ch 115 and some seggy's time.)

A few days later and it was Christmas eve. I was already over at mom's house to help out with the family dinner.

Ever since Carly told me she's pregnant I've been dying to tell everyone about it. But we talked and she wanted me to tell Chris first before we told the family.

"Thank you honey for helping out, I never would have gotten all this done without it." mom said

"I'm glad I could help."

"So when is Chris coming home?" she asked.

I looked down at my watch.

"In a couple hours he should be here by dinner."

"Well that's good, so how have you been honey?" she asked.

"I'm fine mom."

"Good, you do seem,I don't know happier these days." she said

I smiled. I went back to cutting up some carrots.

"Hello. Anyone here."

"Where out here Scott." I yelled to him from the kitchen.

"Wow it's really coming down out there ." Scott said, brushing off the snow from his head.

I looked out the window and saw the snow coming down.

I grabbed my cellphone to check the weather.

"Oh no. It's snowing all the way to New York, it's gonna be like this for the next 9 hours." I said, hanging my head.

"Did I miss something?" Scott said

"Chris is in New York, he was supposed to be home by now." mom said

"Oh Lisa, I'm sorry I didn't know." Scott said

I didn't answer, I just kept looking out the window.

After dinner I headed up to Chris's old room and sat on the stoop and stared out the window. It was getting late and the snow was coming down harder than it was a couple hours ago.

I kept checking my phone to see if Chris had called me but he didn't. I was starting to worry that he wouldn't make it home for Christmas.

"Knock, knock."

I turned and saw mom standing there.

"I thought you might like some hot coco." she said, handing me the cup.

"Thanks mom." I said taking a sip. "Hmm this is really good."

"Thanks. Honey, try not to worry if I know my son, he is trying his hardest to get home to you." she said

"I know he is. I just really miss him."

"I know you do. Why don't you get some sleep and I'll see you in the morning." she said, kissing my forehead. She then got up and started walking toward the door.


"Yes sweetheart." she said

"Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas sweet girl." she said, closing the door.

I decided to take a shower and get some warm comfy pj's. Once I was done I got into bed and tried to sleep but I couldn't. I was worried Chris wouldn't make it home for Christmas. I felt the tears fall, and I cried myself to sleep, all the while wondering if Chris would be here in the morning or not.

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