Chapter 28

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Chris's POV

It was 6am and I was up bright and early.

I don't know if it was excitement or nerves but either way I couldn't wait to get to LA and give Lisa the best birthday she's ever had.

I got dressed and headed down to the kitchen to make breakfast for Lisa. I let dodger out and started cooking.

About 45 minutes later me and dodger headed up to the bedroom.

I stopped before going into the bedroom so I could give Lisa her first gift.

"Ok bubba, now you go in wake up and give her the gift ok. Yep I'm talking to you like you understand me." I said watching dodger go into the bedroom and jump on the bed.

I could hear Lisa groan when dodger licked her. All I could do was laugh.

Lisa's POV

I rolled over and felt Chris's side of the bed was empty,I looked at the clock on the table.

"6:15, why does he have to be an early riser?" I said rolling over.

I don't know how much longer it was when I felt dodger licking my face.

"Dodger, get off me." I said sitting up. "What is on your collar?" I said grabbing a small blue box off his collar that says...

Open me.

So I did. And I gasped when I saw that it was a pair of diamond Minnie mouse earrings.

"Oh my god."

"So your like your first gift."

"Babe, diamond Minnie earrings. I love them." I said taking them out of the box and putting them on.

"Hmm those are beautiful." He said kissing me.

"What's all this?"

"Well, I have made for you some scrambled eggs, turkey bacon your favorite, some chai tea and some orange juice."

"Yum everything smells good."

"Great, well eat up and then go shower because we have a plane to catch." He said kissing me.

After I finished eating I took a shower and changed into the clothes I laid out the night before.

Once I was dressed I headed down to hear Chris on the phone.

"Yep we're heading out soon alright ok yeah see ya soon bye. Hey, looking gorgeous." He said putting his arms around my waist pulling me into a passionate kiss.

I didn't want the kiss to end but I was so excited to get on the plane and get to LA.

"As much as I love this, I think we should get going, you know how the airport can be, with security and the paparazzi."

"No need to worry about all that, I chartered a private plane," he said.

"You did, just when I think I can't fall more in love with you, go and surprise me Evans."

"Well if you think a private plane is great, wait till you see the next surprise," he said, wiggling his eyebrows.

This was gonna be the best trip ever.

On the car ride to the private airfield I could feel my heart beat with excitement.

We finally pulled into the airfield.

"Ok before we get on the plane you need to put this on." Chris said, handing me a blindfold.

"You want me to put this on."

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