Chapter 111

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(hey all not much with this chapter. Just some sexy time, I'm dealing with major writers block i hope you all understand. I'm trying guys i really am but it's really hard. I hope you all understand)

Over the next couple days we did a lot, we went on a hike, we roasted marshmallows by the fireplace oh and have the most amazing sex ever, we did it almost everywhere in the cabin, the kitchen counter, the shower, the bathtub, and even on the floor in front of the fireplace.

But if i had to cross off one place i wouldn't mind having mind blowing sex was out in the woods like some old time romance novel.

So one night in bed I brought up an idea to Chris.

"Hey." I said turning around and placing my chin on his chest. "Why don't we go camping?."

"Really you wanna go camping. I didn't think you liked camping." he said

"I've never done it so how can i not like something I've never done."

"Ok, let's do it." he said

Little did he know my sinister little mind had other plans.

SO the next day we loaded up the camping gear and headed to a spot that Chris knew. When we got there it was amazing.

"Wow, babe how did you know about this place."

"Well one morning when you were sleeping i hiked up here and found this place." he said grabbing the gear from the car.

I was admiring the view and Chris was setting up the tent's.

"Wow, this view is amazing." I said taking a picture.

I was about to post the pic to Instagram when I noticed I had no signal.

"OH poo."

"What's wrong?" he asked.

"My cell phone, there's no signal."

"Well ya see that's the beauty of being in the woods, no distraction." he said

All I could do was smile.

After Chris was finished we went on a hike. Every place we went was more beautiful than the last.

We stopped along a riverbank and rested.

"I never knew this was in LA."

"You would be surprised how many places like this are in LA." He said

"OK, what were you a boy scout before we met?"

"No I just like to get out in the woods and hike, there's nothing like being out here, no phones, no worries, no responsibilities. Not a care in the world, just you and nature." he said

He was right, no cares, no worries.

I took a deep breath and just let the cares just wash away.

"You know what your right, I don't care about anything right now."

"See i told ya, come on let's start to head back it's gonna be getting dark soon." he said

We started our walk back to the campsite. But Chris stopped us at a clearing surrounded by trees.

"Hey wait, before we head back do me a favor come over here." he said walking over to a tree.

I didn't know what we were doing so I just played along.

"Put your back against the tree." he said

So I did.

I could hear my heart beating in my ears, not that you could hear much else out in the woods with no one around

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