Chapter 120

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(Hey all well i think I'm getting back into the swing of writing again, right now I'm sitting in my hotel room in NYC cause on Saturday October 14th I'm meeting none other then Chris Evans himself at New York Comic Con I'm so freaking excited. But for now here is ch 120 i hope you guys enjoy it.)

Chris's POV

Mom wasn't kidding when she said she was gonna bring some food up for us. While Lisa got some much needed sleep, mom and I had some food and talked.

"So what did Dr McBride say?" mom asked

"She spiked a fever which caused her body to go into overdrive making her blood pressure rise, they took her up about 2 hours ago to run some tests to see if maybe they missed something."

"How's Lisa holding up?" she said

"She's blaming herself."

"What that's ridiculous there's no way she could have known this would happen to her. She was born 2 months too soon these things happen. What would make her think that." mom said

"She thinks because she finally gave Little Miss a name, that was the reason she took a turn."

Mom placed her head on my shoulder and gave me a pat on the back.

"Well you gonna tell me what my granddaughters name is or do i have to guess." She said

"Maci, Maci Lynn." I smiled.

"Now that is a beautiful, strong and powerful name, and I believe that little miss maci will pull through this and everyone will be happy. But you need to be strong not just for Lisa but for baby girl as well." she said

"I'm trying mom, I'm really trying but it's hard, I look at Lisa and she's worried sick, she sits by her incubator all day and all night I'm worried about her and about the baby, I'm worried about everything, I just wanna take my family home.We've been through so much i just wanna take my girls home and put all this mess behind us."

"I know you are sweetheart, but right now you need to be there for Lisa and the baby. They need you to be strong and I know you can be. And I have a feeling that you, Lisa and maci will be home enjoying the life you've always wanted and I'll have a new grand baby to spoil rotten." she said

I chuckled a little.

Mom was right, I needed to be strong for not just myself but for Lisa and the baby.

After mom and I had something to eat I looked at the clock and saw that it's been 4 hours since they took little miss up for some test.

I was about to get up when I heard Lisa begin to stir.

"Hmm Chris, what time is it?" She said sitting up.

"It's almost dinner time. Mom stopped by and brought some food."

Lisa looked around.

"So how long was I out for an hour?" She said

"More like 3 hours."

"What 3 hours? Why didn't you wake me up? Why haven't we heard anything about the baby? Has the doctor come by yet?" She said getting hysterical.

"Honey please calm down. No, the doctor hasn't come by yet, I don't know what's going on right now."

Lisa sat back down.

"Are you hungry, mom brought way too much food."

"No, I couldn't eat even if I wanted to. Why is this taking so long." she asked.

"I don't know honey, I wish I knew. I'm gonna go talk to a nurse and see if i can find something out ok."

Lisa nodded her head and I headed to the nurses station but just as I was about to ask the nurse if she had any info I saw Dr McBride coming down the hall.

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