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You would think that growing up as a rich pureblood, part of the sacred-twenty eight would be fun, entitled and free. That you'd be able to do whatever you please, whenever you wish to. Elizabeth Selwyn could not.

All her life she had been raised to be perfect. How to have the perfect posture and to speak with title and grace. How a Selwyn shows no emotion, does not cry unless alone. To save those personal moments, for a private space.

As long as she acted the part and married whoever her father chose for her when she turned seventeen, her parents couldn't care less about her.

Elizabeth's mother - Elladora Selwyn - taught her how to be a sophisticated lady, how to hold her posture and talk with knowledge and how to dress the part, how to hide her emotions away until she was alone. Elladora taught her how to be graceful and nothing less than what was expected.

Elladora was also a skilled poisoner, she excelled in the art and taught her two daughters; Elizabeth and Cassilda, how to perform the art as well. Ever since the age of five Elizabeth was taught potions. Hours upon hours of it, day after day until she mastered it by the age of six.

Elizabeth's father - Divicci Selwyn - taught her the family values, blood supremacy and status. He taught her that no one was above the Ancient Selwyn house, and that they were the purest and most powerful family of all. Divicci taught Elizabeth how to hold herself with authority and how to speak down to people. She was also taught wand work from the age of six and even silent spells by seven, so she was at the best of her abilities.

Her whole life she had just been pushed around and told what to do and say. Anything that wasn't what a pureblood should think, she was punished for. Anything not within the family values and loyalties, she was punished for. Anything but perfection, Elizabeth was punished for.

Elizabeth Selwyn had to be everything her family name stood for around the clock.

Elladora and Divicci would bring her and her siblings, Cassilda, Jake and Jonathan along to weddings, gatherings or other pureblood events. Being a Selwyn came with responsibility and a high amount of power. After all, they were one of the oldest lines of Selwyn in Europe with family in France and part of the Sacred-Twenty-Eight,. The last of the purest family lines. Meaning no associating with muggleborns or half bloods. Other pureblood families that the Selwyn's were well connected with were the; Nott, Black, Malfoy, Rosier and Lestrange families.

When Elizabeth was young, she was introduced to the other twenty seven pureblood families. She met Lucinda Nott and Evan Rosier at one of these gatherings. Their parents all worked for one of the darkest wizards there were and were helping him in his quest of rising to power. So, whenever their parents were called to meetings, each of the family's children were left amongst themselves and, through the years as they grew up, grew rather close.


July 1971.

Elizabeth's parents were hosting a party in the ballroom of the Manor. The invitations went out a week prior to the; Malfoys, Yaxleys, Rosiers, Notts, Lestranges, Blacks, Abbots the Averys and many more pureblood families. Hundreds of guests were to be arriving that evening.

Elizabeth was currently standing with Lucinda Nott and Evan Rosier watching the families from the dessert table.

"I received my Hogwarts attendance letter this morning," Lucinda said, turning to pour some muggle gin into her glass.

"Mine arrived three nights ago by owl, Father was most pleased," Evan added as he watched the crowd.

"Mine has yet to arrive," Elizabeth sighed.

"It had better hurry up and get here then, I refuse to go to any school without both of my closest friends by my side," Lucinda replied as Evan nodded.

"Hmm, one can only hope," said Elizabeth.


"My father is calling, I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere." Elizabeth said as she turned to the direction Divicci was calling from.

"Yes, father?" Elizabeth asked when she arrived in front of her father.

"This is Quintin Abbott. Title to the purest of the Twenty-Eight family lines," Divicci said, putting a hand on his daughter's back, pulling her in, "and this is my daughter."

"Elizabeth Selwyn, pleasure," she introduced, bowing her head.

Quintin smiled. "Lovely little thing isn't she? Very polite. I see you have raised them well, Divicci."


"Apologies, please excuse me. I have another matter I need to attend to," Elizabeth said, hoping to avoid her father fixing her up with this man's son.

"Of course child, you may go," Quintin smiled. Divicci did not reply.

Elizabeth made her way back over to where the dessert table was to find Andromeda and her sister Narcissa, along with Jake, Lucius Malfoy, and Lucinda.

"Hello, Elizabeth," Lucius said, nodding her way as he had an arm wound around Narcissa's waist.

"Hello, Lucius," Elizabeth took a stand next to Lucinda.

"Evan had to leave. A family emergency or something or other, then these lot come over and leave me to watch as the couples flirt," Lucinda explained.

"Oh, shut up Loo, your jealousy is seeping through," Jake joked.

"You're lucky we're at a family event or you'd be dead meat," Lucinda threatened kicking his shoe in the process.

Everyone laughed and joked around in their little group, having drinks of gin, vodka shots and martini's. As the night wore on, their heads began to get fuzzy and soon they were being called home by their parents. Once all the guests had dispersed, Elladora approached her eldest daughter.

"How was your evening?" Elladora asked.

"I spent most of the night's events with the Notts, Malfoys and Blacks," Elizabeth said.

"Good, I'm glad you are choosing to associate with the right crowd. Could you call the elf and tell it to clean the ballroom and clean the manor? I'm going to bed now," Elladora asked.

"Of course, mother."

"HILDA!" Elizabeth shouted.

This was followed by a loud cracking sound of apparation.

"Hilda has arrived and awaits her young mistress' requests," said the house elf.

"Hilda, could you please clean the ballroom after the guests? It has been left in quite the state, you may take two other house elves with you if you need any assistance to make the task more easy on yourself." Elizabeth told the elf.

"Of course, Hilda is most pleased to be helping her young mistress in any way she can. Yes, Hilda will ask two of the other elves to help her make her task more efficient."

"Thank you, Hilda." Elizabeth turned to walk up the grand staircase, but then Hilda spoke up again.

"Oh, young mistress Elizabeth. A letter has arrived for you while the guests were here," Hilda said, reaching for the envelope and handing it to Elizabeth.

It was her Hogwarts letter.

"Oh! Thank you, Hilda, thank you!" Elizabeth squealed, running up the staircase to go and show Jake her acceptance letter.


AN: Please don't judge the entirety of this fic on the first bunch of chapters. My writing has improved since beginning this fic one year ago (in three days) so please just bare with me:)

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