38 | Christmas Practices

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Christmas Practices

Throughout the train ride, Sirius continued to ask Elizabeth what was wrong, so, she excused herself and stood out in the corridor for the remainder of the journey. Elizabeth was most likely only stood outside for several minutes before James came out, standing beside her.

"What happened?" he asked

"James, please. I really, really don't want to talk about it," she said looking out the window.

"It's that bad, huh?"

She didn't answer, instead, she just nodded her head slowly.

"Whatever's happened, you come to us when your ready, alright? You're not alone El. Don't think you are for a second. We're in this together. We're never leaving you," James said placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"I should probably get changed into my robes. We'll be arriving soon," Elizabeth stepped away and began walking towards the bathrooms.

It was something about James Potter. He always knew exactly what to say. She knew if she stayed with him, she would tell him. She presumed Dumbledore would announce it at the feast and she wanted things to be normal before that happened. For as long as possible at least.

When the train jutted to a stop, she quickened her pace in her changing and walked off of the express in her Gryffindor Hogwarts robes.

Elizabeth was sat in her usual seat in between James and Peter, opposite Remus, Sirius and Mary. She kept glancing at the Slytherin table and the empty seat they'd saved for Jake. They didn't know, Elizabeth realized. Or they knew but didn't know he was dead, perhaps they thought he was injured? She didn't know.

"Welcome all! I hope you had a merry Christmas and enjoyed your holidays. To the fifth years, your OWLS will begin in the upcoming months, so begin studying! Before we begin the feast however, there is a matter I wish to share with you all. It pains me to have to start our return on such a sad note and to be stood before you all, yet again, announcing the death of another student."

A great murmur went up in the Great Hall as Elizabeth went rigid.

"I am sorry to announce... that Jake Selwyn passed in the late hours last night."

Elizabeth felt a lot of eyes suddenly on her. She just stared down, tracing the pattern of the oak with her eyes.

"Jake was a well loved student," Dumbledore went on. "He was a powerful wizard and had a bright future ahead of him. We are aware this news will affect a great many of you. As I said, Jake was very loved by all. Thank you and... let the feast begin!"

Dumbledore clapped his hands and the food appeared. The chatter returned to the hall along with the clatter of forks against plates, the chewing of food, but Elizabeth made no movement.

"That's what happened during Christmas then," Sirius said quietly.

She nodded slowly, still staring down at the table.

"Is that why you aren't getting along with your sister anymore?" Marlene asked.

"Surely you'd want to be with her at a time like this?" Mary said slowly.

Elizabeth's head shot up to look at her.

"Cassilda is the reason he's dead! You wouldn't understand. He was brought to me, bleeding and dying. I asked her to help, but she left. She fucking left Jake to die! He bled out in my arms Mary. Cassilda left him to die. It's her fault. So don't tell me to be close with her, because I hate her. I wish it was her and not him."

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