20 | Dates to Hogsmeade

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Time flew by; it was already June tomorrow. In the past three months, there had been so many parties Elizabeth nearly had a hangover every day. It was Remus' and James' birthdays in March. Elizabeth and Jake had gone home on the 15th of April for a family supper for Jonathan's birthday, much like they did for Jake's. Dorcas Meadows had a small party for her birthday in May, and Andromeda had asked Elizabeth to throw her one for her birthday as she was now known as the official party host.

Now June was approaching, their end of term exams would begin shortly. It was Evan's birthday this week, but she didn't think she would be doing anything with him as the two didn't get along that great anymore.

Regulus and Elizabeth had become a regular thing. Every day she was either sending a letter to him or waiting for one in reply. She had also begun writing Amos a lot. She had told the other Gryffindors and Slytherins what had happened at the trial, said how she defended him and his father took his place and as Mr. and Mrs. Potter volunteered to take legal custody over Amos. He would now be living there, with James. Cassie and Jon had been writing Elizabeth a fair bit as well, although she noticed Cassilda had stopped a considerable amount, from sending four letters a week to only once a week, if she was lucky.

So when Elizabeth wasn't writing to Regulus, Amos, and her siblings, she was either with the Gryffindors or Slytherins, and sometimes even both. She split her time up so some days she would sit with her friends in green in the Great Hall and the other with her own house.

Alice and Frank had become part of their clique, as people had started to call them. Alice was a very sweet girl. She reminded Elizabeth a lot of Dorcas Meadows. The two were rather shy and laid back, but they had a big personality if you got close enough.

Frank was a lot like James, very loud and with a big ego, obsessed with one girl only. With James it was Lily, and with Frank it was Alice, both girls always saying how they hate the other boy and how immature they are, but blushing every time they talked to them and more often than not, always with the two boys.

Elizabeth had also begun hanging around with this Hufflepuff boy called Alexander Rivera. He was in his second year. She had met his friends: Jackson Moore (Mary's boyfriend), Sebastian Green and Ava Harper. They were all in their second year and Elizabeth had gotten close with this group. She would often sit outside the greenhouses with the four of them and study with them, or just have a laugh with them.

June 5th and 6th was a Hogsmeade weekend. Elizabeth was sitting in the Great hall at the Hufflepuff table with Alexander, Mary, Jackson, Ava, and Sebastian. It was breakfast, and the second years and above would be leaving shortly for Hogsmeade (a little village right outside Hogwarts). Unfortunately, being a first-year, Elizabeth couldn't go. She had heard how it was a beautiful white village and there was a quiet little pub, called The Three Broomsticks, where students would often go.

"Hellooo," Sebastian said waving a hand in front of Elizabeth's face. She blinked in surprise and shook herself out of her daze.

"Sorry, what?"

Sebastian smiled and shook his head, "Alex was asking you something."

She turned to Alex who she was sitting next to and asked, "What's up?"

"Well. I know you're a first-year, and you can't technically come to Hogsmeade yet, but. . .we know a passage that leads straight to the village. I was wondering if you would like to go with me. . .as a date." Alexander sort of trailed off in the end but she was smiling softly at him.

She nodded and kissed his cheek, "Of course, Alex, I'd love to sneak off to Hogsmeade with you."

Alexander cupped her cheek in his right hand, pulling her in for a soft, passionate kiss. A few people turned and looked and even said, "awh," but Mary and Jackson had other ideas.

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