107 | Confessions of Love

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Confessions of Love

Saturday 9nth September, 1974

James was walking alongside Marlene and Sirius; Lily had walked somewhere with Remus, Frank, Billius, Peter and Dorcas-- presumably to find a table in the Three Broomsticks. Mary had asked if she could look at the Shrieking Shack and Alice and Ted had agreed to go with her to look at the abandoned building and Elizabeth had chosen to spend the day with the Slytherin's.

"So," Marlene smiled innocently to James, her head tilted.

James narrowed his eyes to her, she only ever smiled like that if she was after something. "What do you want?"

"Don't be so rude, Potter," she scowled, her did fading instantly and head tilted straight back upright.

"Marlene," James sighed apologetically. "I didn't mean to say it like that, I'm sorry."

"Fine," she sighed, kicking a stone on the pavement. "I s'pose I accept your apology."

"You two are giving me a headache already. Either be quiet or I'll make my presence known with Moony and Weasley."

"What's wrong with you grumpy?" Marlene smirked.

"As I've just made it perfectly clear, I have a headache. So shut up."

"Sirius, mate," James raised his eyebrows. "Marls was only asking a question."

He only rolled his eyes, storming ahead faster. "I'll see you at the Broomsticks later on with the others."

"Whatever," Marlene sighed. Once Sirius was a fair distance in front of the two, Marlene decided to ask the question that had been on her mind for days on end now. "Why haven't you asked Lily out in like... forever?"

"What?" James had not been expecting this question.

"Are you deaf now too?" She chuckled. "What's going on with you and Lils?"


"Do you like someone else now?" Marlene frowned curiously.

"What?" James looked around, surely this was a set up. Except Sirius had just left to join the others in the Three Broomsticks and the others were looking at the Shrieking Shack.

"It's been ages since you've attempted to whisk Lily away," she explained. "You used to ask her at least once a week, are you sure there isn't another woman?"


"No that there isn't someone else or no you're not sure? Is it El?" She pressed, her eyes lighting up with excitement. "You two spend so much time together and-"

"That's because she's my best friend," James stopped her there. "Just because I spend time with her doesn't mean I like her. I spend time with you too, does that mean I like you?"

"No, it's just... I'm not sure James. It's the only logical explanation that I can think of."

"El is my best friend. I don't like her, I've just accepted that me and Evans aren't meant to be," James shrugged. "Is that ok with you?"

Marlene rolled her eyes with a huff. "I'm not saying you can't date other girls. It's just odd that you aren't asking her to marry you once every week."

"I've finally learnt some self respect I s'pose."

"You would tell me, wouldn't you?"

"Yes!" James laughed. "You're my best friend too, Marls."

"Good," she nodded and returned to kicking small stones back and forth with him.

"What about you?" He asked.

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