101 | Holiday with the Blacks

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Holiday with the Blacks

Sunday 16nth July, 1974

The morning after, Mary and Dorcas struggled to wake the other four from their slumber. They seemed to be glued to the floor, smelling of smoke, dirt and Butterbeer.

"Oh," Dorcas nodded, a cheeky grin on her face as she regarded their sleeping friends.

"What?" Marlene huffed as she whipped the soft lavender blanket from Sirius's sleeping form.

"I think we were left out, McKinnon."


"They're sleeping off a hangover," Dorcas sighed before getting her wand out.

"Dorcas!" Marlene hissed. "You can't use magic we're-"

"Underage, I know," she waved a dismissive hand. "I don't think we're going to be shipped off to Azkaban for using a simple water spell, Marls."

"Oh, you evil genius." Marlene too, pulling out her wand. Together they pointed their wands to the four others, conjuring a clear ball of water above them.

Dorcas glanced over to Marlene, who was grinning manically at the water ball. "Now!"

With a flick of their wands, the water fell with a splash onto the sleeping four, before they bolted upright.

"What the fuck!" Sirius shouted.

"Is it raining?" Marlene turned to Dorcas grinning madly.

Dorcas held out her hand, palm to the ceiling of the ballroom, before nodding her head. "I believe so, darling."

"What happened to waking people up with a good kick?" Remus glared.

Marlene and Dorcas only shrugged in reply.

"Why are we awake at such an ungodly hour anyway?" James looked to the ceiling in pure exhaustion.

"Effie told us to wake you up," Marlene explained. "Your uncle is coming to collect you in an hour, Sirius."

"Shit," he quickly pushed the soaked blanket off himself, slipping over wet puddles to stand. "El, wake the fuck up!"

"I seem to recall she said your uncle, Sirius."

"Who is also apparating you, and myself, to the Black Mansion. You know, for the holiday?"

"Can't a girl just have one day," she pleaded to the ceiling above.

"Up!" Dorcas clapped her hands jovially before skipping out of the ballroom, arm in arm with Marlene.

"Breakfast is in five!" Marlene called over her shoulder from the hallway.

"What do you suppose would happen if I spent the next two months with James?" She wondered, sitting herself up into a small ball.

"Mum would love it," James beamed, "and me!"

"Well, seeing as it was Bellatrix that invited you, El," Sirius shrugged. "I wouldn't want to be present when the consequences-"

"Is Sirius Black giving Elizabeth Selwyn a lesson about consequences?" Remus grinned.

Sirius stuck his tongue out to Remus before arching an eyebrow at Elizabeth. "You have me, Andy...Bella." He visibly shuddered at the mention of his eldest cousin.

"Bella isn't so wicked, Sirius," Elizabeth defended her friend quickly.

"Oh," Sirius chuckled, "she is. You didn't grow up with the maniac. I did."

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