31 | I Couldn't Help You

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I Couldn't Help You

Remus and Sirius had gone back up to the dorm to wake James, Elizabeth, and Peter up for breakfast. They needed to get up and get dressed ready for their classes that day. James and Elizabeth had been the hardest to wake out of the three; Peter had taken a good smack and shake before he was awake, blinking rapidly up at a grinning Sirius and Remus.

Elizabeth and James had been sprawled out over the two beds. Limbs hanging over the edges with their faces squished against the pillows. James even had a bit of drool dripping down his chin. He rubbed his eyes before reaching over to the nightstand where his glasses lay, putting them on as Elizabeth sat up and ran to their shower before any of the boys had a chance. She quickly washed her hair and body, casting a drying spell before leaving the attached bathroom to meet four very sour-looking boys.

"Thank you, kind gentlemen, a lady deserves a good shower when hungover," Elizabeth winked at the three of them before perching herself back on the edge of Remus' bed.

Sirius was next to shower, followed by James, Remus, and then Peter. When they were all showered and dressed,  it was already nine-thirty in the morning, so they rushed down to breakfast. They each took their seats around Mary, Marlene, Lily, Frank, Derek, Billius, and Alice, each looking just as tired as the others felt.

"Morning all," James said, piling eggs and toast onto his plate along with Peter's.

The others all grunted in response, each resting their hands in their heads. The whole of Gryffindor seemed to be hungover, along with Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw - some even had sunglasses on to shield their eyes from the blazing sun. Evelyn, Lillian, Andromeda, and Amos were also in a similar state across the hall at the Slytherin table.

Elizabeth turned around and saw Regulus, she immediately smiled and waved - which he returned - and then she spun back around, joining the conversation at hand.

"What was that?" Sirius asked as she blushed a scarlet red.

"Just saying hello."

"I swear to Merlin, El. Don't go getting it on with my brother, the blighter is probably working for you-know-who."

Elizabeth dropped her fork, making people near her turn to look.

"What the fuck is wrong you?" she said under breath.


"Seriously - and don't make the joke, now is not the time. I know you two haven't been getting along recently, but you don't know what he's going through. At least I have Jon and Jake. He hasn't got a brother to look out for him anymore. Stop being an asshole, Sirius."

"I see you're taking his side? I'm sorry I don't want to talk and associate with Death Eaters," Sirius snapped.

"He's not a Death Eater! He hasn't got the mark and he's only twelve, Sirius."

"Yeah, he hasn't got it yet! "

Elizabeth rolled her eyes. "You wouldn't understand. He's in Slytherin, you're not. Every pressure that was held on you before Hogwarts has fallen onto him. He's the new heir to the Black family legacy. He is being pressured twice as much, if not more than you ever have been because you are in Gryffindor. If you stopped being a selfish know it all, you'd understand that."

"Whatever," Sirius said and turned back to his food.

The others were glancing between the two awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

"What's a Death Eater?" Marlene frowned.

"My brother," Sirius grumbled.

"You're such a-"

"Elizabeth," Cassilda interrupted.

Elizabeth closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "Merlin, Cass. You do pick your moments."

"Will you look at me when addressing me?"

"Bloody hell, posh twat, I'm your sister, not your subject. Now piss off, I'm not in the mood today."

"Elizabeth. I need to talk to you. Now."

The sincerity in Cassilda's voice was what made Elizabeth swivel around to face her. She had dark bags beneath her eyes, her cheekbones more defined than ever before.

"You haven't been eating," Elizabeth commented.

"I've been busy."

"You haven't been sleeping either."

"I've been working on" -Cassilda glanced around at her sister's friends, who were all sitting, silently watching the two- "well, you know what with."

Elizabeth nodded her head slowly in understanding. "What's wrong then?"

"It's Jake."

Elizabeth gave her sister her full attention. "What's happened?"

"Well, ever since he returned, he's not been the same. Mother and Father will not speak of what happened, all they have told me is that you stepped up and so did Jake. Whatever happened, El, he's not the same anymore, I'm worried for him."

Everyone, other than Sirius, had their mouths hung open slightly. Cassilda Selwyn being nice? They'd only ever seen her fight with Elizabeth. They were completely and utterly shocked.

"He's fine, Cass. A lot happened when we were away, it was- it's changed us both."

"Elizabeth, he doesn't sleep anymore and when he does, Rodolphus tells me he is waking up screaming, begging to help you."


Cassilda nodded. "Jake is worried for you. Whatever happened, he knows it's affecting you as well. You need to talk to him as soon as possible."

"Alright," she turned to the others as she stood from the bench, "I'll see you all in class and during lunch."

Elizabeth followed her sister down the corridors to the dungeons. Cassilda led her through the Slytherin Common Room, up to the boy's dormitories.

Cassilda wrapped her fist against the oak door before it swung open to reveal Radolphus Lestrange.

"Cass, El," he nodded with a sad smile.

"I'll leave you to it," Cassilda said, turning to leave.

Elizabeth quickly grabbed her by the elbow, looking her in the eyes. "Cass, I know we haven't spoken much recently, and I know my sorting messed up several things between us, but I do still care for you and I hope you're ok. If you ever need me I will always be here for you... No matter what, ok?"

Cassilda nodded and pulled away. "I know," she replied before walking back down the stone stairwell.

Elizabeth nodded to Radolphus who exited the room in turn. Elizabeth walked in, immediately catching sight of her brother staring up to the ceiling above his bed. Alone.

"Jake," she said, moving slowly so as not to startle him.

He looked over for a second, before turning his eyes back to the ceiling. He didn't make any movements so Elizabeth sat herself down beside him, laying down next to him.

"I'm sorry," she whispered.

When he didn't say anything, she continued.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help you. I wanted so badly to just run away from our parents and help you, but I couldn't. We both know what would have happened. I'm sorry I killed that woman. I'm sorry I didn't stop father butchering that boy, and I'm sorry you're marked for life, Jay."

Jake turned onto his side and faced Elizabeth, who too rolled onto her side.

"Bethy, it's not your fault. You did everything you could, it was enough that you were there. I'm worried about you, though. I've been going with Mother and Father recently to meetings and helping them with tasks for our Lord, but I've never been asked to kill. You're thirteen and have already taken your first life. I'm worried for you."

"Jake, I'm fine. I have nightmares, obviously, but who wouldn't? I have my friends and you. I'm fine as long as I have you by my side."

Jake smiled at her, leaning forward to kiss her forehead. "Same here, sis."


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