108 | Sisters

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TW: Talk of violence, child abuse, death and murder, family issues and torture.

Wednesday 13nth September, 1974

It was the final hour of double Charms. Absolutely nobody was happy about this lesson besides Amari and Carson as they were the only two in the entire class to be seated next to someone from their own house that they actually wanted to be near, or were happy with this arrangement. Sirius and Lily were placed beside each other but no one ever had the pleasure of sitting through two hours of Charms without hearing hissing and snarling from the front row from either of them.

Behind them were Brett Aspen and Dorcas, they were constantly scolding Sirius for distracting Lily from her work or for turning around to keep on talking with James and Marlene who were seated beside Dorcas and behind Amari and Carson. On the final backrows of the class were William, Elizabeth, Emily, Remus, Mary, Willow, Peter and Ivy; all equally spaced out.

"Ok class!" Professor Flitwick shouted, calming the class down after their paired work assignments. "Now that you have all mastered the summoning charm I would like us to move onto and focus for the remaining hour of the lesson on the Severing Charm."

Elizabeth could feel the tension radiating off of James, she could see the way his shoulders tensed up at the mention of the charm that had nearly killed him the year prior from Severus Snape, sending James to St. Mungo's for just over two weeks.

"Excuse me," she whispered, nudging Emily Dricat in the side as Flitwick began his ramblings in the front of the class.

"Yes?" The Ravenclaw frowned.

"Would you like to switch seats with me? I'm sure you'd like to be near your friend from your house."

"Just because William is in my house doesn't automatically mean we're friends, Selwyn."

Elizabeth lost all sense of kindness, her face dropping the smile she had been forcing and turning stone cold. "Get the fuck up and switch places with me. Now."

"Merlin," the Ravenclaw mumbled as she pushed her books and parchments across the wooden desk, moving low and carefully with Elizabeth as they cautiously switched seats.

"Was that so difficult?" Elizabeth snapped, rolling her eyes as she turned to Remus.

"Did you have to be so... I can't think of the words for that," Remus grinned, shaking his head as he faced the front of the classroom.

"I didn't want some nosy Ravenclaw sticking her nose in where it's not wanted," she glared, turning to Emily's direction as she spoke.

"You know there's a seating plan put in place for a reason?" Remus raised a sarcastic brow in her direction.

"We're learning about Severing Charms." She didn't see any reason to beat around the bush, wasting both of their time with small talk about rules. James was visibly uncomfortable, Lily and Sirius too.

"Unlike you, I actually listen to my Professor."

"He says that whilst talking to me," she sighs, her voice clipped as Flitwick showed the action to cast the Charm.

"Why'd you move?" Remus finally asks. "You know they can probably all hear us, right?"

"Jamie's got the scars to remind him of what Snape did everyday... I don't want him to have to sit in a bloody Charms class learning about that magic too."

"And?" Remus frowned, crossing his arms over the desk. "What do you expect me to do about it? You know exactly how James is, El. Even if you do think of something, a way to get him out of the class, he won't leave and you won't be able to get him out without drawing attention to it and making Lily feel even more guilty."

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