57 | Family Heirlooms

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Family Heirlooms

15nth July, 1973

Elizabeth woke up the following morning without Céline or Adeline waking her up. She didn't wake from a nightmare or because of a bad night's rest. No, Elizabeth woke up for the first time since last summer without a nightmare. She was relieved to have had an uninterrupted night's rest, so she decided to go down to the kitchen and cook the family breakfast. She cooked up some pancakes, waffles, cut and washed the fruits by hand and laid out plates, cutlery and napkins for the family.

When Marcel Carter came downstairs nearly half an hour later he nearly jumped out of his skin when he walked into the kitchen. Where he would usually wake up for work and on the way out make a quick breakfast and a coffee and instead he saw his niece cooking and dancing in the kitchen.

"Good morning, Elizabeth," he said, in a thick french accent.

Elizabeth jumped and spun around with a shy smile on her face. "Good morning.. I didn't know anyone was up yet?"

"I'm leaving for work soon. I was coming down to make myself some breakfast, but..." he trailed off, grinning.

Elizabeth's smile widened as she turned around and brought some of the food over to the table.

"Breakfast," she placed a plate of pancakes in front of the nearest chair to her uncle. "I know you like them with jam and cream, so I already made some for you. I just didn't know what the time was."

Marcel chuckled as he took the seat and a bite of his food. He raised an impressed eyebrow. "Impressive. If I knew you cooked so well I would have asked you here long ago."

"Thank you again. For asking me to stay. I know Cassilda would have enjoyed coming as well."

"It is a pleasure Elizabeth. You are family, you are welcome here anytime. How is my niece doing?" He asked, cutting a piece off the pancake.

Elizabeth thought it over. As far as she knew Cassilda was fine. They had written to each other twice in the past week letting each other know how things were going in the different countries.

"As far as I know, she is well. She is staying with the Rosier family for the time being."

"Does she get on well with them?"

Elizabeth nodded. "Her best friend is a Rosier. I presume that's why she went in the first place. Although I believe she told Elladora and Divicci that it was a matter of bonding with the pureblood families."

"Ah. So like my sister. As long as they are pure, all is well in her mind."

Elizabeth didn't voice the fact that it also depended on their views on muggles and that it wasn't just about blood status.

"How is Jonathan?"

She flinched slightly by the name but played this off as a stretch. "I'm not sure," it wasn't necessarily a lie. Jonathan hadn't written to her once and the last she spoke to him was the night before leaving Hogwarts. She had no idea if he was still at St. Mungo's or if he had left yet.

She went back to cooking the rest of the meal whilst having a conversation with Marcel before he left for work. Around twenty minutes after Marcel had left, Valérie came down and - much to her shock - found breakfast was made by Elizabeth and not her husband. She called the girls downstairs quickly and they all sat and ate breakfast together, talking about what the plans for the day were and flipping through the morning papers.

Elizabeth was waiting for a letter back from James. He had told Elizabeth in his last letter that there was something going on with Amos. He kept receiving letters and James didn't recognize the wax seal on them. Amos didn't talk to James anymore, apparently only in front of Fleamont and Euphemia Potter to show respect for them and housing him for the time being.

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