45 | Aging Up

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Aging up

Elizabeth was sitting beside James and Peter eating lunch. She'd walked in at the end of Lily's second 'happy birthday' song of the day. It was tradition that whenever it was any one of their birthdays, the others would sing 'happy birthday' at breakfast, lunch and dinner on the day and then throw an amazing party with all four houses into the late hours of the morning.

Lily told Ted, Derek and Billius how her time with Severus went. James and Sirius - who were sat beside, and opposite her - were ignoring the jealousy and rage seeping through them. Elizabeth looked up in time to see James glaring at Severus from across the hall.

She looked down the length of the table to see Regulus sitting in his usual seat at the table opposite Barty and with Andromeda. She smiled and nodded at him, which he returned with a wave and a soft smile.

Elizabeth hated having to hide how close she and Regulus were from the other Gryffindors. Especially Sirius. Yes, it was Common knowledge that Elizabeth got on well with all of the Slytherin's, despite her Sorting, but no one at Gryffindor truly liked the idea of one of their own being so friendly with the Slytherin's.

Elizabeth's group were civil with her friends in green, but that was the extent of their civility.

When lunch ended, they headed straight to History of Magic with Professor Binns. This class went extremely slow, much to everyone's disliking.

Sirius and James throughout the entire lesson had been hurling balls of parchment towards the other students and even several towards the Professor. Peter was falling asleep next to Remus as he scribbled down notes and looked up momentarily to copy them down. Lily was doing the same as Remus, as Mary and Marlene were whispering to one another, ignoring the lesson they were in. Elizabeth rested her head in her hands for the hour, too tired to write anything down and if she fell asleep, she would not wake up in time for the end of the lesson.

Then they had Potions. Elizabeth was excited for this class. No matter how many bad memories she had growing up alongside potions, she was good at it. It gave her a sense of purpose and a small thrill. Of course, she ended up being the quickest in the class, aside from Severus, and both were told to be advanced in the subject for their age.

Elizabeth was shocked by Severus Snape being advanced in potions. He was a half-blood and, to her knowledge, hadn't grown up surrounded by the wealthiest of families, so she wasn't sure exactly how he had been able to practice the arts. Then again, she recalled seeing him at one of the meetings for the Dark Lord. Perhaps an adult had taught him? Or he had learned the art from his father? Elizabeth could not be sure.

When the potions lesson was finished and everyone had cleaned their cauldrons, and put away the ingredients they all rushed to Astronomy. It was the last lesson of the day before dinner and therefore, before Lily's party.

They were told how to read the stars and how to study them. To look and identify the hidden messages from within. Stars - to the Wizarding World - were used to predict future occurrences, hidden prophecies and the details that could be seen within them.

All lesson, Sirius was in a mood. He was on the receiving end of the jokes for the duration of that lesson. The Black family are known for their liking of Astronomy. Many, if not all members of the Black Family, are named after constellations of some kind; stars, galaxies, meteors etc...

Like in History Of Magic, when the bell rang, every single student dashed from their seats and ran out as fast as possible, heading for the Great Hall. Elizabeth sat in her usual seat between Peter and James, opposite Sirius and Remus. Marlene had moved across along with Mary to sit with Lily for this dinner.

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