06 | Boys Dormitory

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Boys Dormitory

September 4th past by quickly. Elizabeth had transfiguration with McGonagall, then charms, potions, history of magic, herbology, and flying lessons.

Today, she had the same schedule as Monday. Today was also the full moon, and this would be Jonathan's first full moon without her. Elizabeth was half tempted to just go home for the night, but she noticed Remus was feeling rather ill today, and he was also refusing to go to the hospital wing, so when it was just her, Remus, and Sirius, Elizabeth confronted him about her worries.

"Are you alright, Remus?"

"Yeah, just a bit under the weather. Don't worry though, I'm fine," Remus assured her.

"I was taught from an incredibly young age the art of potions by my mother. She, too, is a very skilled potioneer, so if you don't wish to visit Madame Pomfrey, I can make you the potion myself?" Elizabeth asked.

"Promise she's really good," Sirius smiled.

"It's fine, honestly," Remus said, not wanting the help he was being offered.

"We don't have to tell anyone, if you just tell me what's hurting, or what's wrong, I can make any potion that you need, you'll be fine within the hour." Elizabeth wasn't going to take no for an answer.

"I've just got some muscle aches is all, no big deal," he shrugged.

"My brother gets these painful aches every now and then. I'm very skilled with pain relief potions. I'll have it ready for you in around fifteen minutes." Elizabeth stood quickly and began walking hastily, down to the dungeons to retrieve the ingredients and brew the potion Remus needed.

Elizabeth had that feeling again. That something about Remus Lupin was very familiar. She couldn't tell whether it was a good, or a bad familiarity, as she'd only known him for around three to four days.

She made the potion quickly, walking straight up to the boys' dormitory once she was finished. Elizabeth knocked on the door, politely waiting on the stone stairs outside. Seconds later, the door opened revealing James, who poked his head out grinning madly. "Lo' Elizabeth. What can I do for you?"

"Hello, James, is Remus inside?" Elizabeth lifted the potion she had in her hand.

"Oh, yeah course, come in," he said, stepping out the way to let her through. "You'll have to excuse the mess. You're the first girl in here, probably will be the only girl in here actually, so."

"It's quite alright." Elizabeth had to step over several school robes on the floor, she picked each up and placed it neatly on the back of a chair. She saw Remus first, laying in his bed, with his knees drawn to his chest and his eyes squeezed tightly shut. Sirius was sat beside him, with a concerned look.

"Hello, Remus. I have the potion here for you," Elizabeth said, handing the potion to Remus.

He swallowed it down in three big gulps, as he did so, Elizabeth noticed the dark circles beneath his eyes and couldn't help but ask her questions.

"Have you been sleeping ok? I can make a sleeping draught for you. Would that help?"

"No. It's alright, just last night. That potion did wonders, you should be a healer one day," Remus said, as he rolled his shoulders backwards.

Sirius laughed. "A Selwyn! As a healer? Nah, she'd probably kill the lot of 'em to please her adoring parents."

Elizabeth was slightly hurt by the comment, but she didn't say anything and instead chose to laugh it off. "No. I would like to, but it just wouldn't be an option for me." Elizabeth thought about how when she turned seventeen, she would be a Death Eater and working for the Dark Lord as a career.

"Well, thank you, really. I feel so much better now," Remus said with a big smile.

"Don't hesitate to ask in the future." Elizabeth turned to leave, but James suddenly spoke up.

"Why don't you stay?"

Elizabeth slowly turned around. "Stay?"

"Yeah! Come on, It'll be fun. Hang out in here with us," Peter suggested.

"And do what, clean this mess of a room up, while you all lounge about and watch?" she joked.

"It could do with a bit of a tidy-up," Sirius replied with a cheeky smirk.

Shaking her head, she let out a soft laugh. "Alright, I suppose."

Elizabeth stayed in the boys' dormitory for the rest of the day, as they had already attended all of their classes for the day. When the time flew to 6 pm, Remus stood from his bed and made his way towards the door.

"Where are you off to?" Peter asked.

"I just remembered I need to speak to Professor McGonagall about summink," Remus said, reaching for the doorknob.

"I can come with?" Sirius offered.

"No," Remus said quickly. "I- I mean, no thank you. I'll only be a sec."

An odd look came across his face, so Elizabeth stood up to leave too. "I'll walk you. I'd best be leaving myself. I don't want to be tired for tomorrow. I'm not taking no for an answer, Lupin."

The two said goodbye and headed down the staircases. Instead of walking to the girls' dormitory, Elizabeth followed Remus down to the sixth floor.

"You're not going to Professor McGonagall, are you?"

Remus whipped his head around rather quickly. "No! Of course, I am, I told you-

"Her office is on the seventh floor, this is the sixth," she pointed out.

Remus stopped walking. "Look, I really have to go somewhere now but I'll explain it all later. It's just It's getting dark and I can't be late."

He went to walk away but Elizabeth grabbed his arm. "Can I confess something to you?"

Remus turned to face her and nodded.

She took a deep breath. "You can't tell anyone, no one outside of my family knows this besides Lucinda and Andromeda. You have to swear that you won't panic or tell a soul."

Hesitantly, he nodded. "I swear it."

"My little brother, Jonathan, he has lycanthropy." Remus stiffened at the word. "I'm only telling you this, so you know that I'm ok with it. I'm not accusing you of being one as well, but you have all the symptoms and the signs. I know how to treat a werewolf after the full moon. I can keep a secret, Remus."

Remus was wide-eyed.

"You can go now. Be safe, Rey," Elizabeth said smiling at him.

"Thank you, for not judging me."

"Whatever would I judge you for? As long as you aren't like Greyback, I'll always be able to support you."

Remus hugged her tightly. "No one knows except my mum and dad. I've never met someone except my mum, who didn't think of me as a monster for it."

"You'll never be a monster, Rey. Now go before you're late for Professor McGonagall," she teased with a small shake of her head.

He smiled over his shoulder to her, as he continued down the hallway. Once Remus was out of sight, Elizabeth turned and made her way back up to the Gryffindor tower. Elizabeth hoped that Remus was going to be ok and that Cassilda would be able to heal Jonathan properly in the morning. Elizabeth knew that neither one of their parents would.


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