96 | Deja Vu

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Deja Vu

Sunday 6th May, 1974; 6:30pm

When Jonathan stood in the fireplace to Flitwick's office, he couldn't help but feel the gravity of the situation he was about to put himself in. He had spent months, years running from his family. He knew if they really wanted him dead then he would've been a long time ago, but it still made him twitchy nonetheless.

He was about to Floo to Selwyn Manor, his childhood home, with brutal killers surrounding him. Jonathan was about to willingly put himself back into the hands of Fenrir Greyback for an entire night all over again. He was finally going to face the demons of his past.

"Selwyn Manor!"

He shouted the words before he could stop himself and stumbled across the all too familiar hardwood floors.

"Honestly, Jonathan, I had hoped you would have practiced a decent floo landing." Divicci's cold voice had been one thing Jonathan had not missed.

He pushed down the fear, the nerves of being back here alone. He felt so small in this big room that he used to spend so many happy moments in. He felt the eeriness of the library, though, the rhythm of magic pulsating around him, and wondered what had happened here. He didn't have time to wonder before Elladora soon stepped forward quickly.

"Oh Jonathan!" She smiled so brightly at him. "It's so good to have you home!"

Jonathan had not been expecting his mother to smile and greet him warmly. That was shocking as it was but what she did next really left him in a state of shock. Elladora engulfed him in a bone crushing hug. Elladora Selwyn was hugging her disowned son.

"That's enough, Elladora." Greyback smiled, his long nails clicking against the next as he made strides across the library floor to Jonathan.

"Do not dare order me around in my own home," Elladora hissed, her hand still touching Jonathan's shoulder.

"The moon will be setting soon. Do you wish to have my cub change in such a tainted room?" He cocked his head.

Elladora raised a hand but Divicci was quick to grab her wrist. "Don't. You know he is the only thing to help our son now. Do not let your anger get the better of you again, my witch."

Elladora ripped her wrist out of Divicci's grip and turned quickly to Jonathan. She kneeled down beside him, smiling to her son with such love, he thought it was a mind trick.

"Jonathan darling, do you remember how this works?" she asked slowly.

Jonathan nodded. "Yes..." he didn't know if he should call her mother or Elladora.

"Call me mother," she smiled wider.

Jonathan quickly built up the walls around his mind. He hadn't had to in so long, but Elizabeth had said not to let his guard down, and he had already failed in that.

"Yes, Mother, I remember how this all works," he repeated. He knew he had lost the pureblood accent, the uptight clip to his voice and the ability to speak with grace.

"I do apologize for the mistakes of this family. I'm sure Elizabeth has kept you in the loop, but you have been removed from the family portraits in the drawing room. In my letter, I specified that you would be able to return to this family with no harm coming to you if you pledge your loyalty to our cause and promise yourself to your Alpha."

Jonathan gave a curt nod. "I remember." He did not wish to comment on the first half of that sentence. It was silly of him, but it still hurt significantly to know that his own parents had removed him from the portraits surrounding the drawing room, that he had been disowned so easily from his home.

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