40 | Goodbye

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CW: Mention of loss and burial ahead

"How are you feeling?" Marlene asked gently.

"Guys for the hundredth time, I'm fine, really," Elizabeth assured them as she zipped her dress up.

"I wish we could go," Mary said.

"I wish you could too. You were all his friends as well."

"It's weird without him. They still save his seat at the table," Lily mumbled.

"I know," Elizabeth whispered.

It was Jake's funeral today. Cassilda had sent an owl to her dorm room, Marlene had told her early this morning. She needed to be ready at 11am as the service started exactly then. Elizabeth was to dress formally for the occasion and ordered not to bring anyone along to the service. The respective guests were invited to attend the funeral, but Elladora and Divicci did not want the 'blood traitors and mudbloods' at their son's funeral. So Elizabeth was to go with just her siblings, along with a group of the Slytherin's who would be there when they arrived.

"We'll be here when you get back," Lily said softly.

Elizabeth nodded, pushing down the lump that had lodged itself in her throat.

"Right, I best be off," she said, grabbing her purse and heading to the door. She grabbed the knob, but before she left, Marlene spoke again.

"I know it's hard and I don't know what you're going through, but it must have been traumatic. El, I'm so sorry it happened and to such a beautiful soul as everyone knew Jake was."

Elizabeth turned the knob and left without another word to the girls. Sirius and the boys weren't aware of the funeral, as it was only made aware to Elizabeth at around eight.

Elizabeth chose the dress that Jake had always said made her look in control, assertive. Like she was a powerful witch who had the world bowing down at her feet. Jake had liked this dress, so she chose to wear it at his send off. It made her feel in control, and maybe if she felt like she could, then maybe she could control the sadness and suppress it until she was alone. She needed to be stoic today, not showing any emotion. She needed to be in control.

She met Jonathan and Cassilda outside of the Great Hall. The halls and corridors were empty as barely any students were out of bed so early in the day, considering it was a Saturday too.

"The others have already left," Jonathan said.

She nodded slowly. "Alright, let's go." She led the way to Professor McGonagall's office. The three used the floo network to Selwyn Manor, they were told that they were to arrive back at Hogwarts at around ten this evening.

They arrived at the manor at exactly 11am. They were greeted by Elladora, who led them away silently to the crowd and to the ceremony. Elizabeth knew it would start as soon as they arrived, but she didn't realize that meant literally.

"We have gathered here today on January 10th, 1972 to say goodbye, and to mourn the loss of Jake Selwyn. A brother. A friend and a son. He was loved by all and was a bright, young wizard. Courageous and noble of heart. He died fighting in battle for our Lord. We thank him for his service and may he rest in peace."

Elizabeth held her breath as they lowered Jake into the ground.

"Would anyone choose to say some words of love and thanks?" The funeral conductor said.

Andromeda stepped forward, standing beside the conductor.

"Jake was my best friend. For a long time he was more. He was- Jake was my person. I loved him with my whole heart... he was such a sweet, loving boy. His time came too soon and he was too young with too many years ahead of him. He will be greatly missed. The wizarding world has faced a great loss," she said the short but personal speech, before stepping back down beside her sisters once more.

Radolphus stepped up to the front next.

He let out a deep sigh. "I could stand here and say how he was a great wizard and he fought till the end, but that was just Jake. He loved with his whole heart. He felt every emotion to the max. He didn't have a harmful bone in his body, but the world turned him and changed him too soon. We lost a great wizard to this war. He died fighting for our Lord. To help the Dark Lord rise to power. We will help him rise. We will. For the wizarding world, and for Jake, and the rest of the lives that will be lost to this war."

He stepped down and beside his younger brother. Elizabeth stepped forward to the front of the crowd.

"Jake was- Jake was brilliant, valiant, brave and noble. He fought so hard and loved too much. He was an angel on this earth and left to be in a much better place. To rest and find peace where he could not on Earth. He will be missed- he is missed. I miss him terribly, it's so hard without him. Jake was my brother. The person I went to when I was upset, when I was in pain, when I needed compassion most, I had Jake. I no longer have him. I watched as the bright glow of life left his eyes and he slipped away from us. An angel died in war. Many more will die. Jake Selwyn was a force to be reckoned with and no wizard could ever compare."

Elizabeth sniffed, stepping back down and beside her sister and brother once more. She closed her eyes and inhaled, taking Jonathan and Cassilda's hand, she looked over to her sister and sent her a sad, tired smile as the ceremony went on.

Neither Elladora nor Divicci said any words. Lillian said some, Amos did, Lucius said something short and sweet as well as Evelyn. Then after several hours, the ceremony was complete. Jake was buried and the crowd went inside to share drinks, mourn and share small talk.

Elizabeth had a lot of drinks with Andromeda and Rodolphus. They stood together for the rest of the night, drinking away the pain of Jake's death.

The three were joined not long after by; Lillian, Evelyn, Bellatrix, Mulciber, Amos, Jonathan, Lucius, Narcissa, Regulus, Cassilda, Maxwell, Evan, Lilith. Almost every single student from Slytherin house. There was a big crowd gathered at the burial of Jake Selwyn. Many people had been affected by the loss, but none as hard as the siblings, Andromeda and Rodolphus.

When the clock tower in the ballroom struck nine in the afternoon, chiming nine times for each hour, the crowd stood from their seats, putting their glasses down and left. Many said respectful things to the family as they left, and soon, it was just the four Selwyn's.

"We will need to schedule a period of time to retake the family portrait," Divicci announced to the family.

"He's in the ground less than a day and you're already talking of wiping him off the wall?" Elizabeth snapped.

"Do not talk back, Elizabeth. I raised you to know when to bite your tongue. Go back to Hogwarts, all of you, now."

So Elizabeth, Jonathan and Cassilda rushed to the fireplace of the manor, flooring back to Hogwarts and arrived at Professor McGonagall's office at exactly 10:15pm.

I'm so sorry for this chapter!! I thought Jake deserved a good send off.. thankyou for reading this fic and any feedback I'm very thankful for, have a good day/night xx

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