110 | Flames of Love

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Flames of Love

Saturday 16nth September, 1974

"She did not try and say that this mansion was a house?" Billius said, staring up to the tall, black marble pillars of the Selwyn family home in the French countryside.

"Compared to Selwyn Manor..." Sirius mumbled, a poor defence for his friend. "This one is just- it looks how it's going to on the inside as well as the outside. Selwyn Manor looks like a manor, but it has enchantments on it so it's bigger inside and-"

Sirius was silent when Remus placed a gentle hand to his bicep, saying his name with a slight shake of his head to silence him from his ramblings.

The French manor had, from what Sirius could remember of it, four or five floors. The exterior was white, the walls were plastered with the purest of white bricks; it could blind someone with the correct lighting and positioning. The pillars that were placed onto either side of the black double doors were a marble black, the stairs too were black and the windows were a tinted grey with black window frames and borders.

There were several fountains spread across the grounds, clear water still spraying from the... Sirius didn't want to think too much about what the people below the pillars, struggling to hold them up were (he presumed muggleborns, considering Elladora and Divicci's opinions on blood status) besides the people below the pillars, there were great ponds surrounding the fountains with lily pads home to frogs, bumblebees, fireflies and so many more muggle bugs Sirius did not know what to call them - he'd have to speak to Lily or Alice about those later on.

"Bill is right," Ted commented. "No one in their right mind could call this a bloody house."

"How are we going to get inside without El here?" Lily asked.

"What do you mean, we'd just walk in wouldn't we?" Peter frowned, looking to the other Marauders for reassurance.

"They're Selwyn's," Alice followed on from Lily's point. "You think that they'd leave a manor this big without any protective enchantments or dark magic surrounding it?"

"We'll just wait till she gets back then?" Frank shrugged, falling onto the soft grass and relaxing. "What? There's plenty of space, we might as well enjoy it while we can. The sun is just about still up, we can watch the sunset, have water fights. Have fun."

"Frank is right," Mary smiled, falling to the floor beside him. "I don't particularly want to get cursed on my birthday."

"I thought you wanted to beat James on a broom?" Dorcas smirked, her smile so wide her eyes crinkled at the corners.

"Yeah!" James stepped forward, his own broom slung over his shoulder. "I brought my broom for this, Pads brought his and Marls and Frank did too. Wormy and Moony even nicked a few too!"

"Remus!" Alice, Lily, Dorcas and Frank gasped. Marlene just sat down beside Mary, giggling to herself.

"At Least you now know your boyfriend is an extraordinary thief, Allie," Sirius smirked before bringing all of the brooms into one pile. "Me, Prongs, Frank and Marls are having our own brooms, other than that the rest of you can pick your own poison."

"There's enough there for you all," Peter said as he hesitantly walked forward to the pile of brooms along with Lily and Dorcas.

"Isn't this your first time on a broom since..."

"Second year," Lily finished Billius's sentence as she picked up one of the better brooms.

"Good choice Evans," Sirius grinned.

"Call me that again Black, I dare you."

Sirius held his hands up in surrender before bending over to pick up his own broom from the grass.

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