93 | Teaching in Ravenclaw Courtyard

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Teaching in Ravenclaw Courtyard

AN; Sorry for the late update! I completely forgot and then had to edit it and that's basically it, enjoy this emotional chapter:)

Wednesday 14nth March, 1974

She had a feeling it would not last. That it was strange how quick Billius had forgiven her for the deaths of his best friends, his family. The day where everyone remembered, drew closer. The mood in the castle shifted and instead of the roaring laughter from the Gryffindor house table, there was a quiet murmur and tired faces.

It was the week of Julia's birthday.

Billius had become distant once again with Elizabeth. She knew that a part of him would always blame her for Derek and Julia's deaths, a part of her always will too, because it may not have been her family, but it had been the cause that her family supports, that she works for, people she had grown up with killed them that night on New Year's Eve, and Elizabeth knew who. Billius didn't, no one did. But she did, and this week, all of the guilt and the grief were back.

"El!" Peter hissed in her ear, shaking her awake.

Elizabeth bolted upright in her seat, nearly falling off of it, had it not been for James on her left.

"You alright?" James chuckled.

Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah just... fell asleep. Thank you for waking me up, Wormtail."

Peter smiled and turned back to the front of the class to where Professor Binns was expressing his feelings on the Salem witch trials. Elizabeth flinched when she felt something tap the side of her cheek, and when she looked down, she noticed a small paper ball on her lap.

"Open it, Selwyn," Sirius mumbled from across the classroom. Thanks to her animagi hearing she could hear him clear as day.

"Why don't you just say it to me?"

"Because that's no fun. Open. The. Note."

Elizabeth sighed and unfolded the note.

The wise and brave Padfoot wishes to cordially invite Messrs Wormtail, Prongs and of course the lovely Mses Nugget on an adventure. Tonight.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes and pushed the note to James and then Peter. Peter looked excited to finally do another prank, it had been so long since the Marauders had done one. James on the other hand looked far from it, actually upset. Elizabeth frowned at this, turning to Sirius and mouthed, "No," flipped him off, and turned back to the front. She could hear him huffing and grunting beside Remus at the back and chuckled to herself.

It was so easy to get under Sirius Black's fur.

"I just don't understand!" Sirius whined when they were walking out of History of Magic.

"I don't know what's so difficult to understand, Padfoot. I don't want to do the prank and I forbid any of you four from doing it too." Elizabeth smiled and walked faster.

Unfortunately, Sirius' long legs caught up to her shorter ones fairly fast. "Please, El. It's been sooo long and everyone in the castle is upset. It's our job, as Marauders, to cheer them up."

"Well it's a good job I'm not a Marauder then, isn't it?"

"Nonsense," Sirius laughed. "Of course you are."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

"You made the Wolfsbane potion for Moony." Peter said, coming up beside Sirius.

"And you've been the brains to all of our pranks. Besides myself, of course." Remus winked.

"You helped us with the animagi project," James added.

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