35 | You're Definitely Changed

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You're Definitely Changed

Elizabeth Selwyn did not want to wake up. Again, she was jolted awake to her mother shouting frantically through the door, pounding her fists against the oak.

Elizabeth knew today she would be attending a meeting with the Dark Lord. Last time she had attended a meeting, she'd killed someone. However, if she was going, surely Jake would be too. So, for this reason, she got up and repeated the same morning cycle as before. She decided on a formal black dress that she'd worn at the last meeting.

She walked down the grand staircase, knowing that she had missed breakfast as her mother, father and Jake were standing at the foot of the stairs.

Jake didn't look good, whatsoever. His facial structures were more refined, his skin seemed grey, almost ill. His eyes were bloodshot along with the darkest bags she'd ever seen. His face was stone cold and void of any emotion. Jake Selwyn had definitely changed since she'd spoken with him in his dormitory. He looked as if a great burden and guilt were both weighing him down, and he wouldn't meet her eye as she stood before him.

"Stop staring and move," Jake snapped, turning to leave the manor with Elladora.

Elizabeth just stood, frozen. She hadn't seen Jake in weeks and that's the first thing he said to her. The two had never raised their voices at one another, never. He had definitely changed, more than Elizabeth had originally thought, more than she was willing to admit to herself.

Elizabeth followed Divicci as he disapparated her to the Lestrange Manor.

When she walked into the hall, it was the same as before. All the Death Eaters stood as one, the Dark Lord in front of them all. All parents and children were there, this time not just her and Jake.

Regulus was there. Evan, Severus, Lillian, Evelyn, Lucius, the Black sisters, Lilith, Rabastan...everyone in Slytherin was there.

"Welcome, my loyal subjects," the Dark Lord announced.

"I have gathered you all here today as we will be having some officially join us. Some of you will receive the dark mark today. I wish for all my subjects to be here to welcome you."

"Bellatrix Black."

Bellatrix received the mark. You could see her clench her fists tight but that manic smile never faded from her face as she looked down to her arm and watched the black ink spread. To Bellatrix, this was her life goal. Everything she'd ever dreamed of, to serve the Dark Lord.

After Bella followed Lucius Malfoy, then Radolphus Lestrange.

The total process took a whole hour. Elizabeth had to keep shifting from one leg to the other. Standing in one position for an hour was extremely difficult. Especially when if you moved to much or made too much sound she'd probably be - literally - tortured.

When the three new death eaters had been marked, they joined their families beaming. Their dreams had come true. Everything they had grown to learn and retain, they had accomplished in one hour. They had secured their family legacy, the same as Jake.

"Now that our new death eaters have been marked I wish to ask something of you all. It has been a while since we have killed a large source of muggles. The Ministry failed to recognize that we will not stop. We are to be feared and we will be after tonight. Tonight we will attack several muggle villages."

A murmur of agreements went up in the room and Elizabeth noticed Jake's eyes darken. He seemed to be... no? Excited. He was fighting it, she could tell but he was excited nonetheless. No matter how small. She truly had no idea who her brother was anymore.

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