103 | Voldemort, truths and Curses

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Voldemort, truths and Curses

Friday 18th August, 1974

"Sirius Black," the man said.

This was the man responsible for so much pain, so much loss, all the funerals he'd had to attend, the destruction and anger in the Wizarding World. This was the evil behind Derek's death, behind Lillian's death, behind Lucinda's death and Amos going to Azkaban at such a young age.

This was the coward who had taken nearly everyone Sirius loved from him, corrupted or destroyed everyone he knew.

It was none other than the Dark Lord.

Walburga gave his shoulder a sharp squeeze, forcing him to obey. "My Lord," Sirius hissed through gritted teeth, bowing his head like an obedient dog at Satan's command.

"I have been waiting for you, Sirius Black," the Dark Lord curled his lips into an ugly, menacing smile that made Sirius shudder in disgust. "I'd like to make a proposition for you and your friends, young one."

Sirius glanced over to his mother, she was gazing up at the man with such respect, love and admiration that it made Sirius hate him even more. The last fifteen years of his life, Sirius had been desperate for those three things from his own mother, and this man swoops back into her life for slaughtering muggles, squibs and anyone who wasn't of the purest blood lines and he somehow was able to grab those from Walburga and Orion. Sirius was screaming internally, especially when he saw how many young faces he recognized, he wasn't liking the range of emotions just five seconds in this room was presenting him with, but he had no choice in the matter. Not anymore, he was too late.

"Come," the Dark Lord lured him over to another room, smaller than the hall. The other students, his age and older, followed along in a daze alongside their parents. Sirius was dragged along by Walburga, grateful that Regulus remained blissfully unaware beside Katy and Barty by the drinks table.

He was pulled to a room with a table, every single one of its expensive chairs were filled, mostly by his own family, but also from people he didn't expect to see seated before this despicable, evil man, who abused the power that he held.

Sirius sat between his parents, around the rest of the table was; Bellatrix, Narcissa, Radolphus Lestrange and his parents, Lucius Malfoy along with Abraxus Malfoy, Evan Rosier, Vinda Rosier and her husband, the Jackson family, Maxwell and Quintin Abbott, Mulciber Avery, Evelyn Greengrass - the first time tonight Sirius had actually seen her - along with her parents and, what frightened him most of all, the stoic expressions of the Selwyn's.

Elizabeth was smiling at the Dark Lord, a familiar expression on her face. Sirius prayed it was the Imperius curse currently placed on her, he shivered at the thought of his best friend serving him.

"Now that most of you are here, this is an initiation. Some of you are new, most of you aren't," he began to pace the oval table. Grazing his pale, slender fingers along the shoulders of the obedient slaves he passed until he was stood behind Bellatrix.

"It is our pleasure, my Lord," Bellatrix whimpered with pleasure from the simple touch of the Wizards hand placed upon her.

"I hope that I have all of your loyalty, your trust in me." He walked straight past Walburga and stood behind Sirius. "Do I have your loyalty?" It didn't feel like a general question, all eyes were on him.

"Y-yes," Sirius stuttered. Holding his tongue and keeping his hand away from the wand up his sleeve. As an afterthought, he quickly added, "Yes, my Lord." He could feel the sly smile that spread its way across the older man's face behind him.

"Elizabeth," the Dark Lord turned to her, hands still digging into Sirius' shoulders. "Do I have your loyalty?"

"I will do anything you desire of me, my Lord," she didn't hesitate to answer.

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