56 | Across the World to France

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Across the World to France

All dialogue in italics is being spoken in French.

Elizabeth stumbled out of the fireplace and immediately felt a pair of arms wrap around her.

"Merlin, Merlin, Merlin!" A girl squealed with a thick french accent.

"Ugh... Hi," she said, smiling at the girl and patting her back awkwardly.

"Now, now Adeline. Give the girl some room to breathe," a woman said, pulling the girl away.

"Adeline!" Elizabeth asked in shock, a wide smile coming over her face "MERLIN!" She shouted and ran over, hugging her cousin again.

Elizabeth and Adeline had grown up to the age of seven together. Elizabeth had always come over to France with her siblings as Elladora visited her brother, Marcel. Elizabeth hadn't seen Adeline, nor her sister, in nearly five years.

"Elizabeth! Oh you have grown so much! Look at you. You're gorgeous," Adeline grinned as she placed a hand on both sides of her face and kissed her cheek.

"Thank you. Look at you and your cheekbones. Heavens Addie!"

A throat cleared behind them and Elizabeth saw Céline - Adeline's older sister - standing with a grin on her face.

"CÉLINE!" Elizabeth shrieked as she ran forward and hugged Céline tightly. She too kissed both of her cheeks as a welcome to France and their home.

"Good afternoon Elizabeth. It's good to see you after so many years. I'll have a house elf take your trunk to your new room as one of the girls shows you around our home," Valérie smiled as she placed a hand on her shoulder.

"I know our home is not as large as my sister's, but I do hope it is to your liking," Marcel said smiling at her.

Elizabeth nodded. "Thankyou and yes, the house is magnificent. Thank you for offering me to stay here."

With that, Céline and Adeline showed her around the house. They led her out of the living area and into the kitchen which held a dinner table of six in the center of the room. Down the hall from the kitchen was the small library they owned. Adeline then continued to walk up the stairs, Elizabeth followed with Céline at her side to the upstairs room. Elizabeth had been given the guest room, which was opposite Adeline's and next to Céline's.

It was a small room with a double bed, desk and a wardrobe. It was simple but the furniture placed on the shelves and the antiques were extraordinary. Elizabeth was used to dark artifacts and boring books laid about, but they had rare china and normal wizarding artifacts.

One of the many reasons Elladora no longer held contact with her brother, Marcel, was because in France they didn't share the same political views.

"It's wonderful. Thank you," Elizabeth beamed as she sat on the bed.

"We have a full schedule. Today you can rest and unpack but tomorrow we will show you around France. The next three weeks you will be having the best time," Adeleine smiled with too much energy.

Céline and Elizabeth chuckled at her happy state and began to just sit on Elizabeth's bed and catch up.

Elizabeth told the girls about Annette and Antoine transferring to Hogwarts. How they missed the pair and hoped to see them sometime soon. She told them about the Gryffindor and Slytherin's, the rivalry and how she was conflicted between her friendship with Sirius and her friendship with Regulus.

Céline told her about her boyfriend - Dorian - how they'd been together for nearly a year since growing up together and he finally made a move in their sixth year of Beauxbatons. Céline spoke of her friends and her classes in depth, trying to go over everything Elizabeth had missed out on. She said she missed Annette very much, even though she was three years below herself.

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