88 | Breakdown

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Wednesday February 7th, 1974

Remus had been held in the hospital wing for a few hours that morning. Just a simple pain relief and sleeping draught were administered to him as the Marauders sat around Remus' bed smiling sleepily at him.

"It was a good night," Peter mumbled, propping his head up on his palm.

"Hmm," James hummed, closing his eyes as his head fell onto Remus' arm.

"Wake up Prongs," Sirius whispered as he violently shook James awake. "We have to wait for Jonathan to get here."

James blinked his eyes open when the doors to the hospital wing opened and Jonathan came stumbling in with scratch marks across his chest, some on his cheek, and McGonagall helping him in. The Marauders, (minus Remus,) exchanged curious glances as he was lowered into the bed beside them.

"I'm fine, Professor McGonagall. Really," Jonathan smiled.

McGonagall was marvelling at the state of Jonathan. Yes, he was very pale, extremely fatigued, but no physical damage. Other than a fractured arm from the transformation itself, Jonathan had nothing wrong with him. McGonagall shook her head frowning.

"There doesn't seem to be a thing wrong with either of them," Pomfrey beamed." They're both safe and no new scars."

McGonagall nodded. "Is Mrs Selwyn not here yet?"

Pomfrey shook her head, looking over to the curtains around Remus' bed. "I'm sure she'll be here in no time. She does like to come in the mornings, if not for Remus, then for her brother."

McGonagall nodded, again. "She will be very pleased to here about last night's events. For both of them. I must be leaving now. I do have classes to teach, should I be expecting Mr Lupin and Mr Selwyn in my lessons today, Poppy?"

Poppy shrugged with a smile. "If they are feeling up to it, then I see no reason why they shouldn't be able too."

"Where's El?" Peter whispered to James and Sirius.

James frowned as Sirius shrugged. "Probably just making sure it's safe to come out?"

"You don't think she's hurt, do you?" Peter asked.

James shook his head quickly. "No, I think if she was, she would be here by now."

"What if she can't?"

"Wormy. She's fine," Sirius smiled reassuringly and Peter's shoulders soon relaxed.

"She might be with Regulus," James suggested.

"Please, don't say that," Sirius visibly shuddered.

James grinned. "Why not Padfoot?"

Sirius narrowed his eyes at James. "She's probably shagging him. That's why!"

"Don't be absurd, Padfoot," Peter sniggered.

"Why not? She has with Moon-" Sirius closed his eyes and sighed, cursing himself for his own mistake.

"Yes, I know what I said, James," Sirius snapped.

"El... and Moony?" Peter clarified, wide eyes glancing between Sirius and Remus.

"It was ages ago, alright? I don't even think they remember. It's not a thing, so don't make it one."

"When did this happen? How come you didn't tell me?" James frowned.

Sirius shrugged. "Think it was second year? Not sure."

"Second year!" James gasped. "What did they do...?"

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