60 | Head of the House

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Head of the House

Cassilda and Elizabeth were sat in the parlor. They were told do do some of there school assignments. The two sisters had been sat there since eight in the morning. It was now six in the afternoon.

Elladora and Divicci had been summoned, by the dark lord, to do a task. What the task was, they were not sure but they were told that when they get back, they expect half the work to be finished. As they return to school in just over three weeks.

Cassilda hadn't said a word to Elizabeth. The whole day she had just been glaring at her sister or getting on with her summer work. It had been tense and awkward all day. Finally Elizabeth had had enough.

She put down her quilt quickly and looked up to her sister. Cassilda raised an eyebrow, as if telling her to speak.

"What is wrong with you?" Elizabeth asked.

Cassilda looked confused, she put down the book she had been reading and looked Elizabeth straight in the eye.

"Me? What's wrong with me? Oh nothing. Nothing at all just my dear sister decides to betray me and lie to me for weeks, months maybe who knows. Because A LIAR!" she had stood up by the last two words.

"Don't be so dramatic Cass"

"Don't call me that"

"What your name?" Elizabeth asked with a smirk.

"No.. Cass. My name is Cassilda"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes "I'm sorry i didn't say anything about Jonathan sooner"

"As you should be"

Elizabeth supressed the want to roll her eyes again

"Mother and father advised i shouldn't be telling you before you needed to know" she put a hand up to silence Cassilda as she was opening her mouth to talk again

"He's being disowned Cass. The only reason he hasn't sooner is because everyone was under the impression that he was dead. He went against a task from the Dark Lord. Greyback. Mother and father. The second he was found he would be on the run. Back into hiding. That was my reason for not telling you. The man we found. By that small muggle village. That was Jon. I went back to visit and he woke up one day and he recognized me. Then it took me a few hours to process what was happening but-"

"Why didn't you just tell me then?"

"You've always been closest to Jon out of all of us. I knew that you would tell mother and father immediately. You wouldn't think it through. Now every single death eater is searching for him and it was probably better in his case if he had died. Godric knows what will happen to him if Divicci lays eyes on him again"

"But his photo is still on the family tree. He hasn't been burned off yet."

"That would tarnish our name. Divicci and Elladora would prefer if he died rather than word get out one of the Selwyn heirs are failing"

"I'm sorry El. I was so angry that you didn't tell me. You were right not to. I did exactly what you feared i would. I went straight to mother and father and look what happened to you last night. Jon's in danger because of me"

"I think i deserved that one last night. Jon's safe Cass. Trust me" Elizabeth said with a slight chuckle

"Do you..?"

"Do i what?"

"Do you know where he is?"

Yes, Elizabeth thought. He's living with Maria, but I'm not sure if i should tell you.

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