22 | Unveiling of the Shrieking Shack

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Unveiling of the Shrieking Shack

"You had better sort this mess out right now, Sirius Orion Black," Elizabeth said, tapping her foot in a motherly way.

Sirius turned to look at her through the mirror. "It's good enough, mother. I'm going to be late if I don't get going now."

She took a deep breath, strode over to tuck a few strands of hair out of his face. "Now you're perfect."

"Come on, Sirius. What are you doi-oh, hey, El," James said as he and Peter walked in from the bathroom.

She narrowed her eyes at the pair. "What were you two up to in there, then?"

Sirius grinned, turning back to the mirror while Remus smirked down at his book.

"What- I- nothing. Nothing," James spluttered.

Elizabeth snickered.

"How's it going, Black? You nearly done?" Peter said, changing the topic from his and James's bathroom visit.

"Done," Sirius said as he finished tightening his tie from his neck.

Sirius was getting ready to floo back to Number 12 Grimmauld Place. Elizabeth had been told the day before what time he was going and roughly what time he'd be back at. She had asked him to deliver the broom to Regulus when he gave his brother the new cloak he had as well.

It was ten am when Sirius left and it was six pm when he returned. He had told Elizabeth and the other boys, who had been in the dorm when he got back, all about it, how as soon as he arrived Walburga grabbed him by the tuff of the hair and dragged him inside. The entirety of dinner was in silence, filling it in with small talk about Sirius's classes and what Regulus would be doing once at Hogwarts. Then the two brothers were brought to the parlour to watch as Regulus opened and read his letters and gifts. Finally, Regulus and Sirius were permitted a few hours, alone, to properly catch up without their parents scrutinizing their every move from just over their shoulders.

Regulus had received a new broom, from Elizabeth of course, and a new night cloak from Sirius, along with some quills and parchment and some books from Narcissa. Andromeda did her classic and secretly sent some muggle records to Regulus, while Walburga and Orion had simply brought him out for a day beforehand, to allow him to get whatever he wished. The Blacks after all had no issue with money.

"So Reggie. . .Elizabeth," Sirius said as he looked on the shelves of his brother's room.

"What of her?" Regulus asked, as if nothing were the matter.

"You know she's spoken for?"

"Hmm yes. She told me in a letter."

Sirius turned to look at him, "and?"

"... and what Sirius? We're jus-"

"Just friends yeah, yeah," he waved a dismissive hand at this. "That's what she says to me all the time. Feels very rehearsed to me, brother."

"Well, it's not," Regulus said.

"Or is it?" Sirius smirks.

"Stop it," Regulus snapped before turning to look out the window.

"No, you stop it. She drones on and on about you all the time-don't think I don't see that smirk, Reg. Also, she has a boyfriend that's not you, might I add. What's up with that? And I swear to Merlin's left tit if you say 'we're just friends' one more ruddy time, I will hex you good and proper, brother."

Regulus shook his head, "I'm happy she's happy."

Sirius left out the long conversation on Elizabeth and Regulus. So when he got back to the castle, he needed to distract himself. It felt good seeing his little brother again. Making sure he hadn't slipped too far in his parents' grasp to come out from. He had Elizabeth. Yes, she was in her parents' grasp too, but Sirius trusted her with his life. He trusted her with his brothers, too. If Regulus had Elizabeth, Sirius was sure he wouldn't fall too far.

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