05 | The Meeting

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The Meeting

Elizabeth walked down to potions. She shared this class with her fellow first-year Slytherins. Elizabeth noticed Lucinda to the right of the classroom and went to take the empty seat beside her best friend.

"Good morning," Lucinda smiled.

"Morning, Loo."

"Are you excited? I know I am."

"The only emotion I'm feeling is exhaustion."

"Of course, you wouldn't be excited for potions. You could practically teach the class I'm sure," Lucinda laughed.

"I think I could teach the class, perhaps more efficiently than Professor Slughorn himself," Elizabeth grinned.

"Your arrogance is beyond me, Beth. I'm not disagreeing with you though," Lucinda grinned back.

As if summoned, Professor Slughorn walked into the dungeon classroom, just then.

"Good morning everyone. Now, before you take your seats, I would like to partner you all up."

Lucinda and Elizabeth shared a look of annoyance. Why they couldn't just pick their own seats was beyond them.

"Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew."

"Marlene McKinnon and Mary Macdonald."

"James Potter and Lily Evans."

"Lucinda Nott and Mulciber Avery."

"Severus Snape and Evan Rosier."

"Elizabeth Selwyn and Remus Lupin."

When Slughorn was finished handing out the pairs, each student took their seats beside their selected partners.

Elizabeth and Remus worked quite well with each other, they found out half an hour into the lesson. They'd been one of the first to finish brewing their potions. Severus Snape and Evan had been the first, closely followed by Elizabeth and Remus.

Their next class was Defence Against the Dark Arts - this class was just the eight Gryffindors. Then it was flying lessons afterwards, James hadn't shut up about it all throughout Defence. He was very good on a broom - his incessant bragging hadn't been for nothing. Lily and Sirius were also natural flyers. Elizabeth struggled with dismounting her broom, but other than that, she was nothing more than adequate.

Elizabeth and the other Gryffindor's were walking to lunch across the pitch. They made their way into the Great Hall and began to talk about their lessons, when Professor McGonagall walked behind Elizabeth and Mary clearing her throat.

"Ms. Selwyn, may I have a word?" asked the professor.

Elizabeth nodded, shooting cautious glances around at her new friends, as she stood from the bench and followed McGonagall towards the entrance doors.

"Your parents have asked me to pass this along to you," McGonagall said, handing Elizabeth a slip of parchment.

Shakily, Elizabeth took the piece of parchment, from the Professor and opened it with cautious, but delicate, grace.

You are needed back at the manor immediately,

"You may use my floo network in my office to get there and back."

"Thank you. Did they say anything else about what any of this is about?" Elizabeth asked.

McGonagall simply shook her head. Elizabeth followed the Professor to her office, grabbed a handful of floo powder and announced, "SELWYN MANOR!" A few seconds later, she was stumbling out of the fireplace, and into the parlor.

Elladora quickly came over, gripping at Elizabeth's elbow and ushering her forward.

"Chin high, back straight, and wipe that dirt off of your cheek. We have a visitor."

Elizabeth looked around the room to see Lucius Malfoy and her brother, stood next to other members of the Sacred Twenty-Eight.

"Come forward," announced a low voice.

Elizabeth took a few steps forward until she was standing in front of a young man, with black hair running past his ears, and one of the darkest pair of eyes, Elizabeth had ever seen.

"Do you know who I am?" asked the young man.

"No sir. I do not," Elizabeth replied, tilting her chin up slightly to show she was not afraid.

The man began to walk circles around Elizabeth as he spoke. "I am the Dark Lord. Your mother requested I speak with you. Apparently you're not a waste of my time and have offered a way inside of Hogwarts for me, and my loyal followers. Is this true?"

Elizabeth widened her eyes slightly and began building the walls around her mind. She had been taught occlumency by her father from a very young age.

"I have, my Lord. I was placed into the Gryffindor house and Dumbledore has favourites. I was thinking of getting close, and learning of ways into the castle without apparating." Elizabeth thought back to what Evan had told her earlier on.

"Very good. I don't know if you're aware, but I have been trying to piece together a plan, to get inside of Hogwarts and break it from within, taking control for myself." The Dark Lord stopped in his pacing for a moment.

"I am aware, my Lord."

"And are you willing to become one of my faithful followers?"

Elizabeth couldn't see a way of getting herself out of this situation, without saying yes, and not being killed on the spot. So, she bowed her head showing she was willing.

The Death Eaters explained plans to Elizabeth, things to say and do, strategies on how to get close with the old Headmaster. She would have to write letters to both her parents, if she found any information, and if she proved valuable, would receive the dark mark when she turned of age.

Elizabeth arrived back at the castle in time to for dinner. When she walked into the hall, everyone turned to look at her, as she entered with her brother and Lucius, heading their separate ways. She took a seat beside Peter, she quickly placed food on her plate just in time, before it all disappeared from the middle of the table.

"Where have you been all day?" Mary asked, her voice high with worry.

"We were worried," added Remus.

"My family requested my presence. It was an urgent matter," Elizabeth said, choosing to ignore the way Sirius was looking her over.

"They didn't hurt you, did they?" Peter frowned.

"No. My parents just wished to speak with me about my being in Gryffindor," Elizabeth explained.

"Couldn't they have just written to you?" Sirius narrowed his eyes.

Elizabeth shook her and did not answer any more questions. She didn't like lying to her new friends, especially to Sirius, but there was no way she could tell them the truth. They'd never forgive her.

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