17 | Awkward Dinner

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Awkward Dinner

Regulus Arcturus Black,

Thank you for your letters. I know I have told you this many times but truly. Thank you. It's nearing Jake's birthday, Lily's birthday was a few days ago. She is one of my Gryffindor friends. I won't be able to throw Jake a party on his birthday as we will probably be going home for one of those suppers we usually have. The hangover was like waking from the dead but I'm alright now. I am looking forward to seeing you during summer break. If we're allowed of course. I shouldn't see why not.

How are your parents? I'm sorry to hear what they did to Kreacher. I hope his hands are fully healed and no longer burnt. How are you though? You better not be going mad up in that room of yours, and you had better be honest with me this time.

Yours truly,


Elizabeth Divicci Selwyn,

Things at number 12 are slow. Time seems to be going past slower than ever. In truth, I have been extremely bored. I have written Sirius and Narcissa a few times but nothing more than that. I mostly just spend my time with Kreacher. My mother and father are talking about my getting the mark when I'm sixteen. Maybe even before if I'm worthy enough. I do hope so it would make them so proud of me.

I'm glad to hear you are having a good time and that the party was well. I would probably presume that yes your brother would be coming home for his birthday but you could always throw a party a day before or after? I'm sure Mother will allow me to see you during summer. You are after all a Selwyn so I too shouldn't see why not.




I feel very bad for Kreacher having to spend so much time with you. I'm glad you are talking to Sirius and your cousin. I can ask him to write to you more often if you wish. The supper for Jake's birthday will be so boring. I know your family do them. Just sit with one another for hours with the family. Merlin kill me. It's his birthday in two days I think I might listen to your advice and throw him one the day we get back. He wouldn't be expecting it and the school seems to be getting gloomy. I think it would benefit a lot of people to have this party. I don't think it would be just Slytherin this time. It seems the more I host a party the more people attend. Plus it's Jake. Everyone will probably be there. Maybe even Dumbledore. Oh, I nearly forgot I spoke with Evan today. It didn't end well. We got into a massive row and I think he hates me as much as James and Sirius now. It's fine, I've only lost two of my best friends. It just hurts, because I don't know what I've done. He keeps naming me a 'blood traitor' I'm not. I am working for my family heritage. Idiot.

I miss you.


19 February 1971.

Today is Jake's birthday. Elizabeth had gotten out of bed at ten am. She was to be flooing to the manor with Jake at twelve. She had just missed breakfast, as it ended at nine, so she decided to head down to the kitchen. Before she left her dormitory she asked the girls if she looked alright, to which they replied with, "yes you look hot, now go before you're late," so she left.

She went down to the kitchens and was met by little house elves preparing lunch for the school. She was pointed to a corner where there was already food prepared for her on a little dish and she thanked the little elf and got out of their way. She quickly ate her food and left as the time was nearing noon.

She went to Professor Slughorns office, Slytherin head of the house, and waited for Jake. He soon arrived after maybe five minutes of waiting. They said hello and blah blah blah and then flooed to Selwyn manor. Elizabeth first and Jake a few seconds after her. They arrived as the bells from a church struck twelve and chimed each time for the twelve hours.

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