73 | Muggle Experts

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Muggle Experts

After Amos and Cassilda confronted her in the Great Hall the weeks after were a blur. Elizabeth would sleep through breakfast, go to her morning classes, shuffle food around her plate at lunch glaring at the Slytherin table and resisting the urge to blast everyone on it and then go back to class. Where she'd sit and daydream not listening to what the Professor's were saying.

Then the days when she did go to dinner and not back up to the dorm to sleep Amos and Cassilda would try and talk to her. Explain what happened and that she needed to understand and come to her senses. This only riled her up and often ended with one of the Marauders pulling her away and then hexing her sister and Amos not long after.

No one knew what happened, Elizabeth didn't talk about it. Not because she'd chosen a side in this all and - if there was a trial - she had chosen to defend the two people who murdered the closest people she had, no, but because she just couldn't.

Every time she tried to tell Lily or Derek she choked on her words and went into panic. She hated herself all over again, the self hatred would rush back and the blame and rage and she would get too overwhelmed with all the emotions and the situation would dawn on her and she was never able to speak about it.

Everyone was by her side, Derek, Julia, Billius, the girls and marauders, Alice, Frank, Katie, Alex, Ava, Sebastian, Alexander, Jackson even Jonathan and Maria but she didn't tell anyone anything. As far as she knew the only people that were aware were herself, Cassilda, Amos, Elladora, Divicci and Cantanterus.

Lily, Mary and Marlene would sit up with her at nights in the dorm. They'd bring her food the days she slept through dinner and they would tuck a blanket over her and Derek's hen they fell asleep on the common room couches some nights. They all pitched in and helped with her work and never once asked what happened. They waited until she was ready to go to them.

Regulus had come and visited Elizabeth after the first two nights and everyone had been a little unsure about letting him into the common room let alone the girls dormitories but Sirius assured Elizabeth would be safe and they let him up. When the girls go to check on her after dinner they find Regulus and Elizabeth cuddled together on the small bed, his arms protectively wrapped around her and her face buried in his chest. Elizabeth had dried tears running down her cheeks and Lily noticed that Regulus' oxford t-shirt was damp, she hoped they had talked about it or Regulus had been able to get something out of her to ease the pressure of whatever was happening.

Mary said not to wake them and to just let Regulus stay the night as for the first time in weeks Elizabeth was actually sleeping and not writhing from a nightmare.

This cycle repeated until the last day of November. It was Saturday and Elizabeth was sat in the common room huddled into Derek's side by the fire. It was just before dinner and most of the year were year. Derek had one arm around Elizabeth and the other running through her hair. Julia, Riley and Annette who'd been allowed access to the common room the past couple days (as they were trusted friends of Julia's) were sat reading a book on the other side of Derek.

Alice and Frank were on the opposite couch with Marlene, Sirius and Peter. Remus and Lily were sat silently on a table in the corner writing there essays that were due the following week with Billius and Ted. James and Mary were playing a game of wizarding chess in the centre of the common room with Dorcas commentating them and making sure they were following the rules as James and Mary often cheated and bickered as they played together.

Everything was fine. Elizabeth was feeling at home and calm for the first time since the ninth until the owl began to peck at the closed window of the common room. More specifically a white snowy owl with beaded black stripes of feathers. It was the Selwyn family owl.

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