75 | The trial of Elladora Selwyn

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The trial of Elladora Selwyn

CW: Strong mention of child abuse.

December 3rd passed much the same as the day before. Elizabeth woke up, not in any pain for a nice change at the manor, and sat with Abraxus going over everything again. Elladora was there today and Divicci too, of course he was, and it took hours again. After that Elizabeth and Elladora visited Jake's grave one last time before the trial the following day and Elizabeth did her best to ignore what today was. She knew what today was, she knew that Cassilda was turning twelve but she couldn't bring herself to care.

Well it was an inner turmoil. Elizabeth was confused because she despised Cassilda for hiding the truth about Lucinda's death for two years and Jake's for nearly a year. Her brother and her bestfriend and it wasn't like Cassilda didn't know Lucinda either. They had been close for a time too.

This was all back when Elizabeth and Cassilda were joined at the hip with there brothers and wherever one Selwyn sibling went they all did. Lucinda was close with every Selwyn so it was a betrayal on both parts. However Elizabeth would always care for her little sister and she did, despite everything, want her to have a good birthday. She would always be there for her but she could never forgive her or go back to how they had been once. The trust was gone and it wasn't coming back for a long time.

The day of the trial soon fell and Elizabeth woke from a restless night full of the nightmares of her past. Her nerves through the roof and Hilda hopping nervously on the floor by her bedside.

"Master Divicci summons young Elizabeth. Master says that young Elizabeth must be ready for Mistresses trial in half an hour. If Master Elizabeth does not go down then Master Divicci is being very angry."

Elizabeth nodded "Thank you Hilda" she smiled politely at the elf. "How are you this morning?"

"Hilda is being nervous about her mistresses fate. Mistress has done horrible, dreadful things but Mistress is not being deserving of such a fate"

"I agree"

"Master Divicci is being bullying Master Elizabeth into submission by threats of killing her cousins but Master is being of its own free will"

Elizabeth laughed lightly "Free will? In this manor?" She scoffed "Not in this lifetime. I'm glad your ok other than the trial... I should probably start getting ready with only half an hour"

"Oh yes! Hilda is being going now. Good day Master Elizabeth!" And the small elf apparated out and Elizabeth was left with the thoughts screaming at her.

If you defend her your going against Jake and Lucinda. Might as well have killed them yourself! I can't do that though, because if I do then Adeline will be killed and she didn't deserve that just because i couldn't betray someone who's dead.

If Elladora goes to Azkaban it will be your fault and you'll never see your friends again. Cassilda will hex you, if Divicci doesn't kill you. Jonathan will be proud I did the right thing and all the Slytherin's will try to kill you in the hallways. The Dark Lord will be furious and- the Dark Lord. 

Elizabeth had no choice. The Dark Lord's prize possession was on trial, in half an hour, and at risk of going to Azkaban for life. If she did Elizabeth would get the blunt end of it all. If Divicci didn't kill her, or Cassilda, or all the Slytherin's then the death eaters surely would and there would be a bounty on her head for the Dark Lord. How in Godric Gryffindor was she supposed to stop a Selwyn from going on a one way journey to Azkaban. If Elladora wasn't found guilty of these crimes, killing two children - accident or not - and breaking out another suspected death eater from under the ministry's nose, then she would from her many other crimes.

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