109 | Always expect the Unexpected

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Always expect the Unexpected

TW; Mentions of torture.

Saturday 16nth September, 1974

Elizabeth had awoken, far too early for a Saturday morning and was exhausted from the horrible night's sleep she'd had with Marlene nestled in her bed and taking up a majority of the space, twisting and turning all night. Glancing over to Lily's muggle clock, she was shocked to find out that it was only half six in the morning. Breakfast didn't even begin for another half hour.

She reached over to the other side of Marlene's shoulder, ready to shake her gently awake so as not to completely wake her from her dreams but just enough to be able to worm her way out from beneath the covers. If Elizabeth were ever to wake Marlene from her sleep, she would never hear the end of her complaints. Suddenly, however, there was a hand on her own shoulder, shaking her gently.

Elizabeth whipped her head to her left to find Lily, standing above her with a single finger above her pursed lips. Be quiet, it said.

"Sshh," Lily hissed. "Heaven's sake, don't wake her up. What are you doing?"

"I could ask you the same ruddy question!" Elizabeth hissed back in response.

"Get up," Lily ordered.

"Excuse me?" She raised an eyebrow.

"You heard me madam. Get. Up," she smiled sweetly one last time before standing up straight and walking to her Chester drawers. "Get dressed too. We've got a party to plan."

"Why can't I do that in my lovely silk gown, Lils?" She groaned.

"If you wake her, I will not be held responsible for your mistakes."

Elizabeth rolled her eyes before glancing over her shoulder at Marlene. She had an arm slung over Elizabeth's stomach and her face squeezed against her right shoulder. She looked so peaceful just lying there sleeping.

"C'mon El," Lily urged. "Your sister is even downstairs!"

"No, she's not," Elizabeth laughed but immediately stopped when a groan escaped from Marlene.

Lily and Elizabeth both held their breaths in anticipation, hoping that Marlene had not woken from her rest but sighed out in frustration when her eyes slowly opened and she began to sit up.

"Can one of you explain why the fuck I'm awake at..." she glanced over to Lily's clock. "Six thirty-five in the ruddy morning!"

"We've a party to plan," Elizabeth smiled sheepishly. "And, tomorrow night, go to sleep in your own bed please McKinnon. I barely slept at all with you hogging the entirety of it."

"Now that I know it annoys you so much, I think I'll make it a habit," Marlene grinned and then winked before sending a sleepy smile both of their ways. "Let's go then lads."

Lily rolled her eyes before walking around the length of the single bed. "Aren't you going to get changed?"

"Believe it or not Lily, but not all of us have a boyfriend down in the Common Room to impress."

"Do you have to be so insufferable?" Lily hissed, smacking Elizabeth on the arm before a second groan came from the opposite side of the dorm.

"Look what you've done," Marlene whispered, smacking Lily on the arm.

"I didn't wake Mary up, did I?"

"Might as well have," Marlene mumbled before walking swiftly to Mary's bedside.

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