104 | Fourth Year

96 11 29

Fourth Year

Friday 1st September, 1974

Sirius looked over his shoulder for the third time since arriving on Platform 9 and 3/4. Effie, Monty, James and Regulus were gathered around him, tears in their eyes, trunks on the floor and talking hurriedly about classes, their safety and not getting into trouble for their third and fourth years at Hogwarts.

He wasn't really listening though, just giving the odd nod or grin every now and then. Sirius didn't wasn't sure who he was looking for; his parents, who could be waiting anywhere for himself or Regulus, ready to take them back to that horrid house, or Elizabeth and her family.

There had been glimpses of people who resembled a feature from the Black family, whether that be from Narcissa, Andromeda or their parents, or Walburga and Orion - he knew Bellatrix wouldn't be returning this year, for which he was immensely grateful for.

"Sirius?" James whispered to him, nudging him out of his worried thoughts.

"Hmm?" Sirius hummed in response.

"You alright mate? You're not really talking much, which really isn't like you." James tried to laugh, but it came out as more of a huff of air.

"Yeah, yeah no, I'm good. Sorry, I didn't really sleep last night. That's all, sorry."

"We did stay up half the night talking with Regulus, didn't we? How isn't he tired?" James and Sirius both turned their heads to review Regulus. The three had stayed up for hours, talking about Hogwarts and plans they would do in order to make sure each of them were ok and wouldn't lose contact with the other, Sirius and Regulus, or James and Regulus.

Sirius only shrugged. "I'm not sure, maybe it's something he's used to?"

"How would I know?" James frowned. "I haven't lived with him for the past fourteen years."

"Fifteen," Sirius corrected.

"Actually," James grinned. "Not until... three months? Around that, anyway."

"It's the same thing," Sirius argued, turning to James now.

"Plus, Regulus is like, two years younger than you. So it would be fourteen years, not fifteen."

"He's a year and a few months younger than me, if he was two years younger he would be twelve, not thirteen."

"Oh! I don't know! Stop trying to make me work this out so early in the morning, we've not even boarded the bloody train yet mate."

"You woke us up for Quidditch practice at six the other day, this isn't early compared to your regime," Sirius chuckled under his breath when James began narrowing his eyes in response.

"Back to what I was saying before," James sighed. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing, just tired. Like I said." Sirius glanced around quickly before his eyes landed on Regulus smiling with Fleamont. "I'm glad they're getting along."


"Reg and Monty. Obviously," Sirius huffed with an eye roll and sigh of his own.

"Oh! Yeah, it is, isn't it?"


"Stop looking for your parents, mate. They're not coming to get you, alright?" James gave him an encouraging smile before his mum walked over and took his face in her hands.

"Oh, I'm going to miss you all so much!" She cried. "What are me and Monty going to get up to without you three pestering us every moment of the day?" Euphemia laughed.

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