122 | The Calm

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The Calm

Wednesday 25th April, 1975

Elizabeth cracked her neck; she'd spent half of the night sitting on a chair beside Sirius watching over Remus, brewing potions and draughts for hours just to ease his pain. Whilst the other half of the night had been spent sitting with Jonathan and holding her tongue as Maria hovered over him. By the time she'd decided to go to bed it had been nearly five in the morning, Sirius had been given a sleeping draught an hour before that, so she'd pulled a blanket over him and fell into Sirius's bed.

Lily had spent the night in the Marauders dorm, as well as Mary. James and Lily had shared a bed and Mary had slept in Peter's. Ever since Mary had told Elizabeth that she knew of Remus's condition back in November, she'd been hovering around Remus whenever the full moon approached.

They never spoke about it, it was clear that Mary knew. Elizabeth had heard James and Lily talking late in the night, talking about whether Mary had told Remus and if he was aware of the situation.

When Mary had asked Remus if he needed any extra potions for the pain the first moon after she'd figured it out, he'd gone wide eyed within a second, but then he relaxed and shook his head with a smile. Mary had never said the words to Remus, but it was a mutual understanding between them that they both knew.

James was already awake; he'd perched himself on the edge of Remus's mattress. Elizabeth didn't want to be rude and listen in to what they were walking about, but James was smiling gently down at Remus, the both of them laughing through their noses with soft smiles. She pushed the curtains further open to see that Peter's curtains were still shut around his bed, Lily was sleeping in James's still and Sirius was snoring softly on Moony's arm.

"Morning," James whispered, eyes looking in her direction briefly before turning back to Remus.

"Morning. How are you feeling, Remus?" She pushed the duvet away from her and slipped out beneath the covers, tiptoeing her way to the other bed.

He closed his eyes, sighing inwardly and not answering. "I think he could do with a potion," James suggested. "I wasn't awake when you finished making them all, so I don't know where they all are."

Elizabeth nodded before walking to the bedside table, reaching into the drawer and pulling out the pain relief potion. She waited patiently for Remus to sit up as much a could before holding it to his lips. After hundreds of small sips later, Remus fell back against the headboard with a satisfied sigh.

"That's the strong one?" He asked.

She nodded again. "Yes, I know the morning before the full moon isn't easy for you."

"Thank you. How's your brother?" Remus was always asking questions about Jonathan around the full moon. It was lovely, Elizabeth only wished they would talk to each other about their condition. However, that could never happen as Jonathan is unaware anyone outside the family knows of his lycanthropy - besides Maria-Jane.

Elizabeth shrugged, leaning against the bedpost. "He's not nearly as bad as last month."

"It's a good moon tonight," James smiles.

"Yeah." Elizabeth hates the full moon, they all do. But they all enjoy the night once the pain of the transformation has faded and they can run free in the Forest. Elizabeth used to love running with Jonathan near the water cave, staying clear of where the Marauders and Moony usually ran. Now, he spent the moons with Greyback - the monster who had bit her brother at eight years old - and his entire pack. Every month, she never quite knew if her brother would return alive.

"How was Maria?" Remus grinned.

"Oh, don't," Elizabeth couldn't help but roll her eyes. "I don't know why Jon insisted on telling her all those years ago."

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