46 | Missing Sister

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Missing Sister

It was the day of the full moon. Remus was showing signs of the night ahead, nausea, tiredness, body aches and paleness. Elizabeth, for the last three days, had been brewing pain relief potions several times daily for him. Remus had initially refused the potions at first, but Sirius had urged him to take it, and Remus had given in.

Sirius had come to Elizabeth saying how Remus was in pain and that he wouldn't go to Madam Pomfrey. So Elizabeth quickly made up several potions for him to take whenever he needed, no matter the time of day or night, and she urged him to always come to her for more if needed.

Remus was stubborn. He played off how much pain he was in. He would rub his knees absently and then when asked in pain would shake it off. He would never ask for help or admit to being in pain. Elizabeth thought this to be that he felt a burden to others. She didn't mind, if anything, it put her mind at rest knowing he was safe and out of harm's way for the time being.

As the full moon was tonight Elizabeth and the others could begin the animagi process. Tonight they would put the mandrake leaf into their mouths and leave it in day and night until next month's moon. Hopefully no one dropped it or swallowed it, because they'd agreed if one person fails, the rest will too. Elizabeth really didn't want to wait another month to do this.

At the moment Elizabeth was in her third class of the day with Professor McGonnagall in Transfiguration when the doors to the class opened and Professor Slughorn walked in.

He walked up to McGonagall and handed her a note, instantly the two began whispering to one another whilst looking around the class. Everyone was glancing around at one another nervously, each wondering what the news could possibly be.

"Miss Selwyn, may I have a moment of your time outside?" Slughorn asked.

Elizabeth glanced at Professor McGonagall for approval, which was given with a nod in reply. She stood from her seat nervously and followed Slughorn out of the classroom, ignoring the whispers from her classmates as she passed. She caught Mary's eye as she was walking and Mary gave her a reassuring smile.

When the two were stood outside of the classroom and the doors had closed, Slughorn began.

"We have just been sent an owl from your parents letting us know of your brother Jonathan's situation. He will be going home this evening, the same as last month. Once he is healthy and has been healed he will return in a few days to Hogwarts."

Elizabeth nodded. "Thank you, but... why are you telling me this? Forgive me Professor, it's just I'm in Gryffindor and Jon is in Ravenclaw, so as the head of Slytherin I'm confused as to why you're telling me this and not the Head of Ravenclaw?"

"Ah yes, of course, it concerns your sister Cassilda. She is a bright young witch with many talents, but I fear she is not using them for the greater good. I have put forward many detentions and catch up lessons for her but she still continues to miss lessons. I was wondering if you know where she is when she is absent."

"Where she is?" She repeated

"Yes, she did not attend any of yesterday's classes and has not been seen since."

"I'm not sure. I thought she was in the castle?"

Slughorn shook his head. "If you see her please do come find me and let me know immediately. You know where my office is, yes?"

She nodded.

"Very well, back to class then," he said, opening the doors once more for Elizabeth to step inside.

She slowly made her way back to her seat, avoiding the others' gaze. Once seated she rested her chin on her hand and stared out of the window for the remainder of the lesson.

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