04 | Truths

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Elizabeth was one of the first to wake up the following day. She slowly made her way out of bed, careful not to wake the other three up, and made her way down to her new common room. She looked at the time; it was nearly eight in the morning. She still had another hour before breakfast began. She sat herself on the corner of one of the Gryffindor couches, to sit and think of what would happen next. Are Mother and Father going to send me a howler today? What will my punishment be? I've just broken hundreds of years of tradition!

The sound of footsteps sounded, and Elizabeth hastened to the portrait hole and left, not wanting anyone to see her in such a state. She roamed around the seventh floor of the castle, not wishing to get lost the first day. Some time had passed by now, so Elizabeth decided to make her way back to the common room.

"Gumballs," she said to the Fat Lady. The portrait door swung open, and Elizabeth quickly stepped through. She walked straight back to her dormitory, dressing herself for the day. It was a Sunday, so classes weren't starting until the next day.

Elizabeth chose the most comfortable outfit she owned. It included a garment that was somewhere in between a corset and a blouse, a light shaded brown overcoat that matched her wand wood, and the rare pair of patterned pants her parents had surprisingly long ago deemed acceptable. By the time she stepped out of the bathroom, Marlene was in the middle of waking Mary up for breakfast, while Lily was brushing out her long vibrant red hair.

"You look lovely," Lily said, as she looked Elizabeth over through the mirror.

"Thank you. I know it's a bit much, but my mother always says to look presentable, no matter what day it is," Elizabeth explained.

"Well you look gorgeous," Marlene made her way over. "Let's go to breakfast then, I'm starving." Marlene waited by the door for the three girls as they hurried to leave. The four girls walked down to breakfast slowly. It took them some time, getting lost several times but they soon found the Great Hall on the second floor and sat with the other Gryffindor first years.

"Hello, you lot," Mary waved, sitting beside Peter.

"Morning," the four boys grumbled in response.

James and Sirius were sitting next to each other, with Marlene next to James and Lily next to Sirius. Peter and Remus were opposite them, with Mary next to Peter, and Elizabeth next to Remus. As they ate their breakfast, the Hall began to fill with students from each house. Elizabeth noticed a group of Slytherins making their way over to the Gryffindor table.

"May I speak with you?" The familiar voice tapped Elizabeth on the shoulder. The eight of the group turned to see Jake Selwyn.

Elizabeth swallowed back her nerves, making sure to keep her face neutral. "Of course, brother."

Jake led her away to the entrance doors, where Lucinda, Evan, Lucius, Narcissa, Andromeda, and Bellatrix were standing.

"How are you all?" Elizabeth asked.

They all exchanged glances at one another, until Andromeda spoke up.

"You've been sorted Gryffindor. How is it?"

Elizabeth wasn't surprised that Andromeda wanted to know. She nearly got placed into Gryffindor herself some years ago, but begged the hat not to.

"It's rather warm. There's always a fire going, so that's pleasing," Elizabeth replied.

"I wrote to mother and father last night." Jake faced his sister.

"Have they written back?" Elizabeth asked, worrying her hands together.

Cursed Child Years 1-4 | Marauders EraWhere stories live. Discover now