34 | Selwyn Poison

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Selwyn Poison

Once they disapparated, Divicci immediately let go of Elizabeth. Over the years, she had become accustomed to not stumbling when landing after disapparation. Jonathan and Cassilda were still a little wobbly on their landings, but they were getting the hang of it.

"Go inside," Divicci said, pushing Elizabeth roughly forward.

Elizabeth walked straight ahead. She had her shoulders rolled back, chin high, and arms clasped behind her back. Cassilda followed, and then their parents.

They made it to the entrance of the manor, the house elves opening the doors for the family to walk through. Hilda - one of the main house elves - closed the door quickly behind them, taking all their belongings up to their rooms and disapparated.

"Cassilda, go to your room. Elizabeth, follow us now," Elladora said, dragging Elizabeth down the stairs and to the basement dungeons.

The basement was where Elizabeth had done all of her childhood training, where she practiced potions and poisons, studied occlumency and legilimency, mastered her wand work and silent spells, learned how to block spells and cast the unforgivable curses. Elizabeth had learned every form of magic and death down in these dungeons.

She was aware there would be training, but she didn't think it would be literally as soon as she stepped in the manor. She wanted to go and see Jake, to make sure he was ok and healthy. However, if she voiced these thoughts, she would be going up to the library for a severe punishment - where the siblings received the unforgivables and laceros.

When Elizabeth walked down the damp stoned steps and stood in the centre of the empty basement, she waited.

"Over the next few weeks, until you return to Hogwarts, you will be spending most of your days and nights here. If you are not here, you are with the Dark Lord or in your room, am I understood?" Elladora said her voice cold and flat.

Elizabeth nodded. "Yes, mother."


"As your mother explained, you will be down here. As you are down here, you will be sharpening your skills. We will go over everything; potions, spells, charms, everything. I want you to be perfect in the Dark Arts... You begin your training as a Death Eater during this Christmas break, Elizabeth. Make us proud," Divicci said.

"Of course, Father."

Divicci turned and left the room. Elladora took a few steps forward, summoning a cauldron, ingredients, and protective charms.

"You will go over your potion skills first. We are women in prejudiced times, so we must be strong and know our enemies' weaknesses, Elizabeth. You will learn how to kill your prey and torture them from the inside out. Begin," Elladora said, handing her a book before turning to leave.

"I will return in several hours to see how you are coming along."

Elizabeth sat down and began her potions. She measured out her ingredients and went over and made sure she had included every single thing so that her potion was perfect. Once she was positive she had the right measurements, Elizabeth added each ingredient in one at a time, stirring until the liquid turned a bright blue shade, and then added her last ingredient.

When she was done, the potion was now a bright glowing purple. She had learned how to make this potion when she was five, maybe even six. It is known to burn your subject's insides and fry their brain until your enemy is either dead, or you have been given what you desire.

This poison had taken Elizabeth three hours to brew.

She heard footsteps descending the stairs and she stood up quickly. Her head spun and she composed herself within a matter of seconds.

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