63 | Forbidden Skating

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Forbidden Skating

September first turned to the ninth. Elizabeth sat at the Hufflepuff table for lunch with Ava, Jackson, Alexander and Sebastian. Tomorrow would be Alex's birthday, but she wasn't sure if she would see him tomorrow as it was also the Gryffindor's quidditch try-outs.

The sign had been posted on the Common Room board on the sixth, saying how from September tenth to the fourteenth the try-outs would be held each day for two hours. Derek had booked the Gryffindor's for the first day. Hufflepuff booked the eleventh. Slytherin booked the twelfth and Ravenclaw booked the fourteenth. Then the first match would be sometime in October, it wasn't decided when yet, but there would be a meeting between the captains about it.

"Nervous for the try-outs?" Elizabeth asked.

"We're going to crush it," Sebastian said proudly.

"Are you all trying out again this year?"

They all nodded. "Of course we bloody are," Jackson said as if it were the most obvious thing in the world

"Aren't you going to try out?" Ava asked.

Sebastian and Alexander held in a laugh as Jackson kicked them both from under the table.

"Well.. I was thinking about it, but I decided not to. I don't know if my parents would be too happy about me being on the team if I ever did get accepted."

"Well.. if you did try out," Alex said, "you would for sure get on the team. Maybe not because of your skills, but Derek's your best mate and there's no way he wouldn't let you on."

Elizabeth gave him a look of disbelief. "It's Derek. I think if the choice came down to me or Quidditch. He'd choose Quidditch."

"Everyone in your house is obsessed with quidditch, I swear."

"Like you're not too Seb?" Ava smirked slightly.

He rolled his eyes. "I'm not obsessed, I just like the game, that's all. Nothing wrong with a bit of sports."

"Well I hope you all get whatever position you're trying out for."

"I think I'm going to go for my old spot as a beater or try as a chaser this year," Ava said, cutting some pork.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow. "Really?"

Ava nodded as Sebastian spoke. "I think I might switch it up too this year. Might try and take your spot Ava if you're going for a chaser."

"Why would you give up being a chaser?" Alexander asked.

Seb shrugged. "I enjoy it, don't get me wrong, got me bloody ripped last year and the year before that, but I've been a chaser for the last two years. I'm in my fourth year now, maybe it's time I go for something new."

"I'm certainly not giving up being a seeker," Alex shrugged.

"What about you Jackson?"

"I think I'm going to try out for chaser again. Hopefully Ambrose lets me in."

Elizabeth sat and spoke with them about Quidditch. They went over techniques, flying positions and strategies to help their chances of getting onto the team. Then when she saw some of the staff standing from their seats and students beginning to do the same, she followed suit. She walked Ava, Seb, Alex and Jackson to Transfiguration and then proceeded to walk to Defense with Gibson.

As it was a Wednesday, this was her last class of the day and tonight would be her second midnight Astronomy class of the year. She rather enjoyed these classes. It was, yet another, class with the Slytherin's. Although she detested Mulciber, Maxwell Evan and Alabaster, she enjoyed being able to have so many classes with Lillian and Evelyn.

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