116 | Cry for the Moon

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Cry for the Moon

Monday 11nth December, 1974

"Remus," Mary called as the class began to walk out in single file, ready for their free hour before their next lesson.

Remus stopped, looked between the other Marauders for a moment before nodding and wordlessly telling them that he'd find them later.

Mary had been dreading this conversation ever since she had told Elizabeth that she knew about Remus's condition. For over three weeks she had known that one of her best friends had lycanthropy, that every month he changed into a wolf. On November twenty ninth, there had been a full moon and Remus had been missing for three days, spending his days and nights in the Hospital Wing and saying he had landed himself in yet another fight.

The thing Mary couldn't figure out was why the other Marauders were also missing, as well as Elizabeth. Where did they go?

She thought now would be a good time to come clean. She didn't mind him being a werewolf, she didn't like that he had no choice in the matter and that all of her research had said the bare minimum of what it felt like, but Elizabeth had said it was painful and Mary didn't want that for her friend.

"What's wrong?" Remus frowned, looking around nervously.

Mary frowned too. Remus was acting very strange considering the fact that she hadn't even said anything yet. "Where's the most private place around here that you know of?"

"Why?" Remus did a double take, worrying over the possibility that Mary had found out what happened between him and Sirius in the woods. That she was pulling him aside to defend Alice.

"I need to tell you something, but no one can hear it. I mean... no one."

"Just cast a silencing spell..?" Remus suggested, pulling out his wand and casting the spell himself.

"What if it doesn't work, though?" Mary panicked.

"It will, Mary. It's a very reliable spell, plus, I'm sure the thing you need to tell me won't land anyone in Azkaban or anything... will it?"

"It might get you killed! Or kicked out of school!"

"Me?" Remus did another double take. "I thought you wanted to tell me something about you?"

Mary sighed, she knew she would mess this up and say all the wrong words and the right thing to say would stay in her mind. She didn't want to keep messing it up and end up saying something horrible to hurt Remus's feelings.

"I know," she whispered, looking around anxiously.

Remus did the same, a panicked look came over his face. "What?"

"It's ok!" Mary quickly added. "I won't tell a soul, I found out just over three weeks ago and the only other person that knows that I know is El. I haven't told anyone and I won't. I just wanted to let you know because I don't care about it, it doesn't change a thing between our friendship! I care that you're in pain every month but- well, I kind of also care that you didn't tell me sooner, but that's ok too."

"Wait..." Remus shook his head, confused as to what Mary was talking about now. He thought she meant the kiss in the woods, but it sounded like she was talking about his lycanthropy. He didn't want to ask in case he accidentally revealed himself. "What are you bloody talking about, Mary?"

Mary opened and closed her mouth as she frowned up at Remus. She thought he knew what she was talking about because when she'd said 'I know' and he had looked so panicked. "What do you think I'm talking about?"

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