52 | Falcon's, Skulls and false Hope

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Falcon's, Skulls and false Hope

As soon as she had arrived at the library Elizabeth walked over to the Divination section and scanned the bookshelves. She found the book she had been looking for; The Dream Oracle, and brought it to the closest empty table she could find.

She scanned the contents page for the title she'd been looking for. Once found, she flipped to page one hundred and twenty six. Analyzing Dreams.

'Dream interpretation, also known as Oneiromancy, is a method of Divination that involves analysing dreams. It is one of the oldest forms of Divination...'

After a while she didn't find what she had been looking for. She went back over and pulled out 'Unfogging The Future'

'An acorn; represents a windfall, unexpected gold.

The club; represents an attack.

A cross; would mean trials and suffering.

The falcon; is symbolic of a deadly enemy.

A five-leaf clover; would be representative of a horrible rash tomorrow morning.

The Grim, a large dog; is a sure sign of death.

A skull represents; danger in your path.

The sun; is symbolic of great happiness.

She hadn't known why she was looking at this. They weren't due to start reading tea leaves until next year. Third year. Although she thought if they were to be doing the subject now, Elizabeth would receive a lot of Falcons and skulls, that was basically her life.

Again, Elizabeth closed the book and set it back on the shelf, not actually knowing what she was looking for.

She wanted to get some answers. Maybe her dreams were trying to tell her about Jonathan. Tell her if he was alive and needing help. So she'd gone looking for the answers in the dusty Divination books in the school library.

She rounded a shelf and stopped abruptly, book mid air, about to be pushed back onto the shelf she had taken it from half an hour prior.

Sat in front of her was Regulus and Cassilda. They were sat side by side and were reading a book and had parchment sprawled across the table. He looked almost comfortable.

Since when were Regulus and Cassilda friends? Elizabeth thought.

Elizabeth didn't care. No, it was good that he was finding friends. Maybe anyone other than her sister would have been better; considering the type she hung around with. Elizabeth really did not wish for Regulus to fall victim to Rabastan's insufferable arrogance.

After putting the book back to the shelf, she walked out of the library and to her dormitory. It was only eleven and the night was still young. The bottle of witch's brew, in her nightstand was screaming at her to be opened, however she pushed this urge to the side and did her best to complete her assignments for Monday's lessons.

Elizabeth managed to complete a Transfiguration essay, meeting the length requirement of two parchments of writing.

The History of Magic essay had been challenging. Elizabeth didn't mind her school work. History of Magic was just a boring class in her opinion. The lessons usually consisted of the same assignments and work daily, nearly all lessons were theory work. Never practical. There was never a need for it in the subject and sitting around taking notes and essays every lesson grew somewhat tedious.

Overall, by two in the morning Elizabeth was yawning every few seconds and decided to call it quits halfway through the second essay. There was still Saturday and Sunday night to turn them in.

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