79 | Early Christmas Celebrations

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Early christmas Celebrations

Elizabeth had woke up the same as every other night since Elladora had escaped Azkaban and the dementors kiss, sweating, shaking and on the verge of throwing up. Her magic surging through her as she balled her fists and screamed her lungs out in the small bathroom attached to there dormitory (with a silencing spell cast around the room of course,) then she would wash, brush her teeth and come out like nothing happened, wake the other three up and get dressed.

Lily, Mary and Marlene had been patient with her. Cautious for the most part, everyone had. She knew it was from a good place but it didn't help and she could tell they wanted her to talk about it, any good friend would, and Elizabeth was sure that if they caught her at the right moment she probably would spill the truth to them all but she didn't want to. She hadn't felt this connected to her magic since she had come to Hogwarts. Elizabeth was enjoying the sudden surges of magic that came with the anger and betrayal and the emotional turmoil she was in. It was agony, all of it, but she was getting used to that in her daily life now.

She didn't wait for the girls this morning, instead as soon as she was dressed she headed out of the door.

"Oi! Where are you off to?" Mary shouted after her.

"Common room!" Elizabeth shouted back.

"I'm not packing for you!" Lily bellowed from the bathroom.

"GOT IT!" Elizabeth was halfway down the stairs now.

"Would you stop screeching women" Sirius complained sat on the couch.

"What are you doing up so early Pads?" She smirked slouching beside him.

"Derek wants one last quidditch practice before Christmas so the whole teams going on the pitch" he slung an arm around her over the back of the couch.

"Your back on the team?"

Sirius shook his head "Backup beater but I'm going to watch James and Marls play and fly a few rounds myself. Derek wants us all to keep our practices up, backup or not."

"Can't deny the birthday boy his wishes."

"That you can't" Derek came sauntering down the stairs followed by half of the Gryffindor quidditch team.

"DEREK!" Elizabeth beamed, jumping off the couch and onto Derek.

"Bloody hell" he stumbled back slightly but passed his broom to Billius holding her back, swinging her around In small circles.

"Happy birthday Der." She smiled as he placed her down onto the ground again.

"I feel old."

"You don't look it" Julia smirked.

Derek wiggled his eyebrows playfully at her, gave her a quick peck on the lips before turning back to Elizabeth "Shouldn't you be packing?"

Today was the last day of school. Tomorrow morning the students that weren't staying at the castle for Christmas would be getting the express home.

Elizabeth shrugged "Nah, do it later."

"Party's later." James said quickly behind Derek.

Derek smirked "Party?" He mocked confusion.

"Piss off Bell you bloody well know your having the biggest party. Last one at Hogwarts before the new year." Sirius said, still seating on the couch.

"Are we going to the pitch or what?" Katie whined, shifting the broom in her hand.

Derek laughed "You all go on and start doing laps, I'll be there right after." The team mumbled tiredly as they moved around the captain and Elizabeth and made their way to the pitch. The only members of the team still there were Sirius, Derek and James.

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