85 | Sectumsempra

92 11 2


CW: Mentions of blood but not in great detail.

Sunday January 13nth, 1974

It had been a week since the students of Hogwarts returned for the final six months before summer. Classes had been stress free - all but Potions and Defence - but that wasn't even the most stressful thing of the first week back.

Between the first day back to now, Elizabeth had rekindled with Regulus. She'd spoken with him, yes they were better since the New Year's Eve party, but they still had some underlying issues that neither one of them were too fond of talking about. He seemed tired, paler than he had been when she last saw him, jumpy and skittish and she knew all too well the signs of parental issues. She didn't want to pry, but she also didn't want to leave him alone. Elizabeth defended him and jumped to his aid whenever Sirius would question it all when he would join them all out in the courtyards or sometimes in the library (that was more just the two of them).

Other than that, she only ever spoke to Regulus at one or two meal times, third period when they both shared a free class, or after curfew in the forbidden forest.

Elizabeth and Regulus had spent three separate nights together since being back, and had ventured to the clearing they had gone ice skating in, the place they had fallen asleep and woke in each other's arms. It had officially been claimed as their spot.

When she wasn't with Regulus, Elizabeth was either with the Marauders helping them plan some elaborate prank in their dorm room or at meal times, or the girls in the library or their own dorm. Elizabeth had spoken with Jackson and Alexander since and wished Alexander a happy birthday three days ago, but avoided the integrated house party they held for him in the Hufflepuff common room. Andromeda had been spending more time with Ted, hidden away in the common room at late hours when only the Marauders or Elizabeth would see them. Evelyn was a walking ghost, and if she wasn't talking with Lillian or Andromeda, she was with Evan and Mulciber and that lot. She was falling and Elizabeth didn't know how to help her.

Elizabeth had seen Lucius, had hexed him and slapped him and screamed in his face, only to have her wand taken by Lily and Mary and Marlene haul her away. She didn't tell them why but Lucius understood, Elizabeth thought she had seen a shimmer of guilt but then he grinned and Elizabeth's anger doubled.

She hadn't spoken with Jonathan since being back, other than smiles in the hallways and small talk, but that was often broken up by Cassilda or Maria.

Between all of this, Elizabeth had been balancing the stress of the holidays and all her new stresses as well. Today was Lucinda's birthday. She was silently wishing her a happy birthday between all the mess, feeling the guilt and pain double ever since she found out that it had been her mother who had led her to her slow, and excruciating death. The plan with the Slytherins was also back on and was put into action on the thirteenth of January.

It was the end of lunch and Elizabeth was walking out of the Great Hall beside James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Alice, Lily, Marlene, Mary and their two boyfriends, Owen and Adam. They were all on their way outside to meet Regulus, Barty, Rose and Katy to enjoy the unusually warm weather so early in the year. Elizabeth was in a good mood and so was everyone else so they took advantage, they just rounded a corner when Snape stood in front of them with Mulciber and Evan at either of his side. Arms crossed over their chests and looking between the strange group.

"Selwyn. A word," Evan demanded harshly. Elizabeth ignored the pang of pain spreading through her chest from her childhood best friend now not even acknowledging her by her first name.

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