105 | Forgive Me

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Forgive Me

Monday 4th September, 1974

Remus was back. Finally, it had only been three days, but everyone had been worried sick. Alice had been asking question after question to each of the fourth years. Apparently some time - not long into summer - Remus and Alice had officially become more than friends, Frank and Alice had officially, but mutually, separated. Elizabeth didn't think keeping such a life altering secret from your partner made for the strongest of couples, but she was no expert and it wasn't her place to say, not with her only boyfriend being Alexander and he could barely meet her eye anymore, so who was she to judge?

The Marauders, Lily and Elizabeth had been conjuring images of Remus bloodied, beaten and bruised ever since their return to Hogwarts. But, of course, Remus came sauntering in on the first day of classes, their timetables being handed out by their head of house at breakfast that morning. Lily was the first to pounce on him, breaking down into hysterical laughter as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down to her level.

"You're ok," she whispered, close to tears.

"I'm ok," Remus whispered in return, a soft smile on his lips.

"Remus!" Alice whimpered as she jogged over from her seat on the bench between Ted and Billius to Remus. "Where have you been?"

Lily let Remus go as Alice - his girlfriend - gently pulled him into a heart wrenching hug.

"Sorry," Remus winced slightly, not knowing what to say.

"It's alright, love," Alice smiled, taking his face in her hands. "I'm just glad you're ok. I've missed you."

Remus smiled down at the shorter girl, adoration in his soft, brown eyes. "I've missed you too."

"Enough with the mush!" Lily giggled, taking both of their hands in hers before dragging the couple to the Gryffindor table.

"Moony!" Sirius whooped, budging James over and making room for Remus beside him.

"Pads," Remus grinned, plopping down between Sirius and Alice.

Elizabeth watched from the opposite side of the Hall as they all greeted him, hugging, smiling and teasing him back. Alice kept giving him kisses on the cheek as James piled food onto a plate for him and Peter poured Remus some Pumpkin juice.

"Aren't you going to say hi?" Cassilda smirked, watching as her sister looked over her shoulder to the Gryffindor table and to the commotion on the other side of the Great Hall.

Elizabeth let out an aggravated sigh as she turned back to her cold porridge. "No, but you already knew that."

"True, I'm glad you've finally chosen the right path," Cassilda smiled lovingly.

"Didn't really give her much choice," Lilith mumbled, so quietly that the only reason Elizabeth heard her was because of her heightened hearing.

"Have you got your timetables yet?" Elizabeth asked, wanting desperately to change the topic.

"Yes. Slughorn handed ours out last night," Rose said, pushing a lump of bacon around her plate.

"Do you know when your free period is?" Elizabeth asked to no one in particular.

"Second period," Katy sighed. "It's too early to enjoy, plus, every single day for the entire year. I don't know if I can get on board with that."

"Evan says that his is third period, which really sucks because now I only get to see him at breakfast, lunch and dinner..." Lilith frowned.

Cassilda rolled her eyes and turned back to Elizabeth. "What is your schedule for the day?"

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